Who was your childhood celebrity crush?


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Originally Posted by janwa09

Oh yeah almost forgot!! In high school I had a crush on Conan O'brien..lol

Conan O'Brien is a good looking man!!


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Haha this is a great topic!! Ok my turn...

I always had a 'thing' for bad guys and Johnny Depp was on top of the list (21 Jump Street, Cry Baby, Arizona Dream).

Then, I saw "Legends of the Fall" with a wiiiiiild Brad Pitt... omg, he was my new crush (but Johnny had still his place in my heart lol).

And I remember I found Joe Lando very hot & sexy too (remember "Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman"?!!)

I just noticed a big similarity between those men: an Indian connection. Depp has Cherokee's blood, Brad Pitt was raised by an Indian in the movie, acted like he was one of them and Joe Lando played Sully, a Cheyenne. Maybe that's why I'm so fascinated by american indian culture since a young age


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Tom Cruise from Top Gun~ I watched top gun soooo many times when I was little but I just thought it was a cool movie. Until last summer my girlfriends and I watched it again, and I was like, "damn Tom Cruise is hott!" So this is kinda embarassing... but I have a crush on Tom Cruise from 20 years ago


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I was in lurve with Jaleel White aka Steve Urkel aka Stephon Urkelle. lol When he transformed into the latter all my female cousins would go wild


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In my teenage years I had a *huge* crush on Donnie Wahlberg from NKOTB, I thought his brother Mark was pretty hot in his CK undies as well

I also fancied Sebastian Bach from rock band Skid Row, Richard Grieco in "21 Jump Street", John Stamos in "Full House", Judd Nelson in "The Breakfast Club", Joe Penny who played Jake in "Jake and the Fatman", Robert Downey Jr. in "Less Than Zero" and...how could I forget, Lorenzo Lamas

I still think Joe, Robert and Lorenzo are pretty hot nowadays 8)


Well-known member
Lol. Me too!
No one could talk during his part.
Originally Posted by SumtingSweet
I was in lurve with Jaleel White aka Steve Urkel aka Stephon Urkelle. lol When he transformed into the latter all my female cousins would go wild



Well-known member
Oh yeah, I like Conan, especially when he does the string dance.

Originally Posted by janwa09
Me too!! I had a crush on him even way back during his Nirvana days...my friends couldn't understand what I saw in him though lol.

Also, I remember having a crush on Andrew McCarthy in St. Elmo's Fire...he was so cute there.

And for the first few seasons of Beverly Hills 90210 I had a crush on Luke Perry

Oh yeah almost forgot!! In high school I had a crush on Conan O'Brien..lol

(Wow come to think of it, I had a lot of crushes! I'm embarassed hehe!)



Well-known member
oh boy this is gonna be interesting..in no particular order, from #2 down..

1. DEFINITELY, HANDS DOWN, NICK CARTER! i still have that crush even though he (&i) are quite a bit older now..
2. zack morris haha mark paul gosselarr (yeah i killed it..)
3. scott baio's best friend on charles in charge haha i totally forget his name right now too ugh!
5. any and all lawrence brothers, particularly matt!
6. taylor hanson hahaha
7. lance bass (my friends saw this all coming, i however insisted it wasnt going to happen..imagine all the phone calls i got that day..)
8. rich cronin of lfo
9. dan miller of o-town
10. jeff timmons of 98 degrees
11. mike lieberthal (catcher for the phillies, now on the la dodgers)
12. jon bon jovi..still to this day!
13. steven tyler..again, still to this day!
14. joe perry..again still!
15. and last but not least, a local news anchor hahahaha who still does the news to this day and looks exactly the same..

..im currently 19, to put this into perspective. as you can see i was quite the avid boy band fan! i was also boy crazy hahaha..maybe i still am? lol


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my god that man is sexy as fuck.

i used to (literally) cry when i was younger and i saw the livin la vida loca video because some chick was all up on him. hahaha. what a loser I was.


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I really liked this actor, and still like him to this day, named Kyle Chandler, who at the time played in a show called Early Edition. *sigh* He's the perfect man, hahaha.


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Jonathan Taylor Thomos from Man of The House and Home Improvement! Lol! I also loved Evan Sawa from Casper ( and later he was in some crap films and he plays the obsessive Eminem fan in the video of Stan.


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The ones i remember, in no order:
Adam Ant (Prince Charming Video mostly)
Kate Moss (in her 20's)
Angelina Jolie (along with 95% of the population)
Scully from the X Files - major red head fan!
Brandon Lee *RIP*
Brian Molko
Patricia Arquette
Anthony Head
Almost forgot - Michael Jackson before he got creepy and bleached...


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okay im gonna put my two cents into the pot.

in no particular order...
Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Joey McIntyre
Isaac Hanson
Justin Timberlake (still think hes gorgeous)
Aj McLean from BSB
Ste from BBMak (got to meet him)

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