Who Were You Named After?

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I thought, why not find out how everyone got their real names, such as perhaps named after a place, animal, person, flowers etc....

My name Siobhan is after Siobhan Fahey from Bananarama and Shakespear's Sister lol

This is her: http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i3...et/siobhan.jpg

im interested to hear your names as i know a few people on here have unique names that sounds wicked


Well-known member
my name is shlomit, it comes from the word "shalom", that meens peace in hebrew. it is a biblik name. i think i grew to suit it. :.)


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I was named after this show called "The Feather and Father Gang" My name is Feather. The show came out in 1977 the year I was born. My Grandma for some reason liked the name and the show and decied to make my Mom give me the name. LOL My Mom wanted to name me Nicole, but that ended up being my middle name.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
awesome names! Feather's a pretty name
and shlomit is coolies!


Well-known member
My dad was French (he passed when I was eighteen)...he named both me and my sister. I was named after the French actress Yvette Mimeux...

My sister (she should have been a twin, we're so close; but she's actually 8 yrs. older than me, hehe) is named Yvonne...We look a LOT alike, and people are constantly mixing us up (especially at work; we're both nurses and work for the same private-duty nursing agency). Even our relatives mix us up!


Well-known member
I am named after warrior Queen Nzingha of Angola. The Portuguese were kept out until she died.


Well-known member
oh wow!! you guys have cool names!!! I have a boring name: Tina. And, I was named after my dad's secretary who died of cancer. Nobody famous, but she was very special to both my parents.


Well-known member
I was named after Gidget the movie with sally field in it my dad thought she was hot so he named me after gidget. But my mom wouldnt let him put gidget on the birth certificate the last minute and decided to name me Briggitte. lol


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My parents named me after Holy Mary (They're not even religious) so my name is Holly, and my middle name is Marie


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Mine is from The Bionic Woman & The Six Million Dollar Man (lol), Jaime, but spelt the Scottish way, Jamie!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holly
My parents named me after Holy Mary (They're not even religious) so my name is Holly, and my middle name is Marie

My mother initially wanted to name me Jane... but my dad's twin sister is a nun (and parents are fairly religious), and she suggested Mary- which is how I ended up with Mary Jane!

Everyone is always like.... 'Spiderman!!!' whenever they first learn my name though


Well-known member
I was THISCLOSE to being named Dixie, because my mother is southern, but luckily I wasn't.

I was named after Jennifer from the show Hart to Hart, because my mother LOVED the way Robert Wagner said his wife's name on the show "Jennifer"... lol

My nickname "Pinky" came from some friends the year P!NK came out. I had been working at a salon at the time, and we saw her (I fell in love, and have been in love since) so they decided to color my hair since I already had the same cut as her. I went to work and my bestie (now my brother-in-law) started calling me Pinky. That was YEARS ago... Ever since, I've been Pinky, or "little P!NK".


Well-known member
my name is tatiana. named at the diane von furtstenberg perfume in the 80's.it makes sense that my name comes from a beauty product that a design icon made. i love beauty and fashion
My name is Ariel, after a (male, lol) character in Shakespeare's The Tempest. Then, a year after I was born a certain movie came along and made everyone assume I was named after that...it came out in '89, people! I came out in '88!


Well-known member
wow you all have amazingly unique names! luckyyyyy.

haha my mom lied to me she said i was named after my grandma buuut her name is something completely different than mine (Meg) and yeah.
My mom wanted to name me Giselle though since i was nearly born in france while she was on vacation but my dad hated it.


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My real name is Giuseppina but i go by Josie. Its a popular Italian name and i was named after my father's mother. My father is very traditional when it comes to names. He thinks me & my 2 brothers are both going to name our future sons all after him........ummm no......but i swear he'll cry if we don't & he threatened me out of the will if i don't!!! HAHAH

Giuseppina is pronounced Jew-sa-pina & i always went by & preferred Josie but when i went to Italy nobody had ever heard of the name Josie!!! I thought that was common there too but nope! Trust me, if you ever meet an Italian girl named Josie, ask her what her real name is! Even if i get pulled over by the cops & they try to say my name, i always say JOSIE right away & i was sooo embarrassed when i was a kid in elementary school & we had a supply teacher who didn't know i went by Josie! I would cringe when they all tried to read my name! But i actaully appreciate it now.....my grandmother (my namesake) passed away in April & i also have the same last name as her so its very important in the family & i love with my boyfriend calls me Giuseppina....it sounds sooooo cute!!!


Well-known member
my mom named me after her best friend, stacey, who kept by her side and helped give her strength during her first marriage. as my mom passed away when i was young, i don't remember the fine details and can only go by what my dad has told me, but i know that her first husband didn't want kids but my mom wanted kids really badly. and i remember being told something about my mom having to go to the hospital for some reason.. now, putting the pieces together, i'm thinking she might have had a miscarriage, or her husband made her have an abortion. they divorced and she married my dad.. and he's always bringing up the fact that they tried for 5 years before they finally had me.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
My name is the reversal of my mother's first and middle. It's nothing interesting, but I think the idea is neat