Whoa.. what the hell? So confused! HELP!


Well-known member
I am really proud of you for the way you handled it. I also think this guy is so gross. How could he not read what he wrote and not go, 'huh, I'm kind of an ass'??


Well-known member
That's how you handle ur biz'Niz! Hopefully he gets the point, but something is telling me that he will continue on with his antics.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
Times this by a trillion!!!

I am so sick of these married men who leave their wife and kids @ home and go and flirt or cheat.. they just want to have their cake and eat it too.
Ignore his ass.. he's selfish.

ITA. He's a dirtbag.

I'd ignore him or be downright rude to him, but it's going to be hard now that you've been friendly to him.

And those "are you mad???" texts?? What a dumbass. I don't think a more annoying question exists in the world.

I know I sound mean. But it makes me mad. If my husband was texting another woman like that I'd slap him upside the head.


Well-known member
this is a really confusing situation. It sounds like maybe this guy is looking for a little fun... he is probably tired of being with his wife and gets bored of her so he finds some excitement in flirting. Just be careful he doesn't take it too far. The thing about his ex girlfriend freaked me out. I agree with the others that you should keep it strictly business. If he texts you be nice, but don't be very friendly.

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