Why can't an ugly girl get a fine man? Yet an ugly man can date a super modle?


Well-known member
I swear I can spell model, I just can't type it

I understand why a person is with someone other ppl don't consider physically attractive, but it just seems like to me that women are more likely to not care about conventional standards of beauty, while men on the hand place beauty at a higher level than anything else when they are picking mates. My question is why do you see more couples that include conventionally attractive women with not so conventionally attractive men than a couple with an attractive man and a not so conventionally attractive female.

I am a double psychology and sociology major, I want to know why society and people are the way they are. And I know y'all look at couple walking down the street and make a snap judgment about the couple based on physical appearances. Don't try to tell me you haven't. Everyone whether consciously or subconsciously judges people based on superficial attributes at one time or another. It's they way humans are wired. Nothing wrong with being human, we don't always have to be so politically correct. Just like we all are a little racist or we all have some prejudices. We aren't morally perfect, we are human.So I just wonder why ppl have these thoughts, preconceived notions, and what happens when a couple deviates from the norm.

I was just wondering why on average you see attractive women with less attractive men. I just think the not so conventionally attractive girls not to get over looked. It just puzzles me how it seem as more acceptable for a guy to date a girl just for her looks, but when a girl does the same thing its a bad situation. And I know how important personality is to a relationship. But there is definitely a double standard when it comes to who can be the less attractive one in the relationship. Men are totally socialized to focus on the physical characteristics of a women. While women are socialized to be more into the emotional and personality side of things. Hmm Maybe there are the occasional cougars who get their kept men. But come on lets face it sugar daddy's run rampted and are accepted. I just look at that tv show the millionaire match maker and that really reflects what's deemed important in our society. A creepy rich old man can get a beautifil supermodel and ppl accept it. But flip the script an average looking woman with a supermodel man and people, even my self start to whisper about what he sees in her. Maybe we ask this out of jealousy?


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Okay, to address the Tiny/TI situation. Tiny was with his ass when he wasn't shit, still out on the corner up to no good, letting him lay up in HER HOME and he was cutting tracks in the studio on HER DIME. If nothing else, ( aside from support for his children with her) she deserves his loyalty for that. He owes a lot of his success to her kindness.

Second, she ain't gotta dig for his gold. Tiny may not be Oprah status as far as her finances are concerned... this woman co-wrote NO SCRUBS ( ironic, given her relationship with TI at the time), among other hits, and please beleive she and her children are still eating off that money.

Third, I don't find Tiny particularly attractive personally, but that's just it. It's my PERSONAL opinion. Of course he can have whomever he likes, but he keeps finding his way back to her. Whether that desire is based on her physical appearance or not is his PERSONAL choice. I don't think TI is attractive, but that's because he's physically not my type. What I've SEEN of his personality is sexy, but his jailbird past is a turnoff so who's to say intangibles aren't what attracts him to the women he chooses.

For the record, I see plenty of men that I find physically attractive with woman (or men) who don't "match", in MY OPINION. Hell, I don't do too shabby with the fellas and I know people may harbor the same opinion when I'm on a man's arm.

The problem with this discussion as it were, is that this is a highly personal thing. Someone could be saying the same thing about you, your friend and y'all's men, if you have one. Know what I mean, jellybean?


Well-known member
maybe the "ugly women" don't have enough confidence to talk to the "fine ass men"? or they don't know how to handle rejection?

could always be that these "fine ass men" have a status/image to maintain/project.

beauty is subjective like HeavenLeiBlu is saying, so who knows.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ThePerfectScore

Usher and his dog faced wife

I found that extremely offensive...She's a human being after all.


Well-known member
I think the word ugly should be obliterated.

Unless you're referring to someone's ugly perceptions. ahem


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
I found that extremely offensive...She's a human being after all.

That's my thing, too. Who's to say someone isn't saying that exact thing about her ( the OP)? I'm not trying to attack anyone, but I'm just saying.


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Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
For the record, I see plenty of men that I find physically attractive with woman (or men) who don't "match", in MY OPINION. Hell, I don't do too shabby with the fellas and I know people may harbor the same opinion when I'm on a man's arm.

Right. I see men all the time who are really attractive and the women they choose to be with aren't.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Curly1908
I think beauty is very subjective so what I think you meant is that true love is when people don't seek others' approval concerning the physical beauty of their significant other.

Yes that better said. haha But I just copied and pasted an informal conversation I was having with a friend so it was not politically correct at all! haha But yes... Love is when looks don't matter. But I am sick of being the only person in a relationship that feels that way.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
I found that extremely offensive...She's a human being after all.

I was taking in an informal way with one of my very close friends. Our conversation was not one in which we had to be politically correct. We call everyone dog face in a joking way. It was a inside joke that was not explained to the masses and I am sorry for offending anyone. But yes there are a lot of humans who do resemble animals i have seen.


Well-known member
Okay one more thing, and I hope to be able to leave this thread alone.

Regarding Usher's "dog faced" wife. I have a few mixed emotions about how people tend to dogpile on this woman, particularly WOC. Amusement, anger, sadness and genral wonder.

I won't lie and say that I'm above it all and don't have my own opinions about why they're together, but her looks have nothing to do with why I have my doubts. At the end of the day, my doubts about their realtionship don't matter because it's none of my fucking business, after all.

I think that a lot of women jump on this woman's looks because in my opinion, she's average. In my opinion, she's not what would immediately come to my mind, based on what men like him usually choose. I think that because she's average, aka could be any one of US right here on this messageboard, people hate and are jealous because even though they're average, they're not the one this man CHOSE. everyone seems to all ways bring it around to "He can have anyone he wants, why HER?" and "What's so special about HER?" BECAUSE HE FUCKING WANTED TO, that's why. He may or may not have chosen her based in part on her looks. It's not FOR us to know. It's their personal business. I'm willing to bet that's how the woman ended up having a heart attack on an operating table in Brazil, trying to live up to someone else's standards. Trying to be "worth" what strangers think she should be/look like. It's a shame.

For the record, I don't think Usher's attractive, for whatever that's worth.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mtrimier
maybe the "ugly women" don't have enough confidence to talk to the "fine ass men"? or they don't know how to handle rejection?

could always be that these "fine ass men" have a status/image to maintain/project.

beauty is subjective like HeavenLeiBlu is saying, so who knows.

OOh Yeah I think beauty does have a lot to do with confidence and the way a person carries his or herself. "Swagger" has a lot to do with why I'm attracted to a person.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
Okay one more thing, and I hope to be able to leave this thread alone.

Regarding Usher's "dog faced" wife. I have a few mixed emotions about how people tend to dogpile on this woman, particularly WOC. Amusement, anger, sadness and genral wonder.

I won't lie and say that I'm above it all and don't have my own opinions about why they're together, but her looks have nothing to do with why I have my doubts. At the end of the day, my doubts about their realtionship don't matter because it's none of my fucking business, after all.

I think that a lot of women jump on this woman's looks because in my opinion, she's average. In my opinion, she's not what would immediately come to my mind, based on what men like him usually choose. I think that because she's average, aka could be any one of US right here on this messageboard, people hate and are jealous because even though they're average, they're not the one this man CHOSE. everyone seems to all ways bring it around to "He can have anyone he wants, why HER?" and "What's so special about HER?" BECAUSE HE FUCKING WANTED TO, that's why. He may or may not have chosen her based in part on her looks. It's not FOR us to know. It's their personal business. I'm willing to bet that's how the woman ended up having a heart attack on an operating table in Brazil, trying to live up to someone else's standards. Trying to be "worth" what starngers thing she should be. It's a shame.

For the record, I don't think Usher's attractive, for whatever that's worth.

And I am WOC... wrote a whole post about self- acceptance and love.. so check it out. I did not call her "dog faced" b/c she was black. In fact I refer to Miley Cyrus in this way all the time. I am not professing to being PC in the way I talk about celebrities with whom I have no actual contact with in real life.
I'm just bitter about the whole Usher marriage b/c of they way he treated Chilli, allegedly. I don't know then or anything about their situation. But I loved her. And from what I heard he did not treat her with the respect she deserved!