Why do you do it?


Well-known member
well... i never really worked out or anything... but i eat my greens and my grains and my fruits and i drink my milk and my water like theres no tomorrow... i was raised eating healthy and think that it just promotes all around well being. my family's health benefits from it, too... so that makes me happy


Well-known member
I do it to be healthy. Since the first of the year I've lost over 50lbs and I keep going to the Y because I know if I skip one day, I'll skip two. No, I don't go 7 days a week - but you get the idea. I've received so many compliments, I'm buying and fitting into clothes I never thought I would - I simply feel better.

It keeps me going, and I love it!:hump:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
What makes you want to lose the extra weight? Or tighten the abs? What makes you pound the pavement and lift the weights and sweat and grunt and heave?

Haha honestly, I want to be super sexy for my boyfriend. He is 5'10" and 140lbs....also known as super stick thin. I figure if he can keep himself looking nice for me, then I want to do the same. While he's never said anything about it to me, I still want to keep myself looking good because, come on, what guy doesn't want to be with a hot chick?


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