Calling someone "disgusting, gross, sick, horrible, etc..", for whatever reason, is wrong.
I have mixed feelings about this issue, because on the one hand, I've been subject to villification for my weight (or lack thereof). I've tried everything, eating double-sized portions, packets of tim-tams, weight-gaining shakes, all of it to fit in with the "norm". However it's all been to no avail, and I've come to accept it - I'm half-Asian so I'll always be this way, I've learned to stop fighting nature. Besides as Dr Seuss said, "Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind."
On the other hand, I'm doing exercise and sport science at uni so 99.9% of the time I take a pretty pragmatic rather than personal view about weight - its not about the quantity of the weight, it's the quality of it. As previous posters have said if you're skinny but you're starving yourself to do so, its not healthy.
They had this exercise scientist on the tv the other day, and he was talking about a similar idea, but rather it was about refering to overweight people as fat. He said its simply a remark about their physical state (i.e Yao Ming is tall, Paris Hilton is blonde, Hilary Clinton is female, etc), not a reflection on the person themselves. Thoughts?