Why isn't love enough?


Well-known member
So it happened. I knew it would. Things have been way too weird lately, he suddenly was always breaking plans, "forgetting" to call, disappearing from his house for 3 or 4 days at a time.

He was clean off of cocaine, crack and heroin for 11 months. We were together for six months, and it was the happiest I had ever been. We made plans for the near future, made sacrifices for each other, but it's just not enough. He blew me off on my birthday. He also disappeared from his house for 4 days, leaving his mom frantic and calling everybody asking where he was. Then he conveniently shows up. A mutual friend of ours said that she's almost positive he fell back into 'old habits'.

I knew this was going to happen, so I'm not too surprised. I was just so happy with him. We brought out the best in each other. Apparently, he cares more about drugs than me. People keep telling me that I'm young, 19, so that I will meet somebody better eventually. I doubt it, though. Materialistically, yes, I could definitely find better. I doubt I will find somebody with a better personality though. He was so nice, so genuine, and now that he's back into the drugs...he's a stranger to me. I don't even know him anymore. He didn't even bother to call me and explain his disappearance. I had to find out from somebody else. Who knows if he will face me now? He knew how devastated I would be if he went back to drugs, so maybe he's staying away and he thinks he's doing me a favor.

I don't know, I just stayed sheltered for 3 years and finally tried again, taking a chance on him...and now this. My heart is beyond broken. This is the first and only time my heart has ever been broken.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear it. Drugs and addiction in general can have a very powerful chemical and psychological hold.

I'm not telling what to do or not to do, but depending on how strongly you feel about this guy and how much you're willing to tolerate, you could give him another chance. Just be prepared for how hard it's going to be until he's truly clean


Well-known member
If having drugs is part of his life, then you probably are not that so compatible with him as you think.

19 IS young. And I believe so many of us have had so many times heart broken. I feel for you, but be strong!


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear this, I suppose I was in a similar situation, but I was a couple years younger than you. The thing is that b/4 he can have a REAL relationship he has to get past his addictions. Until that happens it will only be heart ache for you. The problem is that it is up to him and it is a long sometime never ending uphill struggle for him. Many people NEVER get over drug addictions.

You may not like my advice, but I say move on. You will only put yourslef through more pain and suffering if you stay .

EDIT - and from my experience if you forgive him... he'll only do it again and expect you to give him another chance ...


Well-known member
im so sorry for you.. my ex did drugs too.. he hurt me MANY times cos of that and we broke up. we are friends now, and its better for us that way. xx


Well-known member
oh sweety I am so sorry you are going through this pain. Addictions are a lifelong struggle for the addicted, and for those that love them.
It will take a while to get over, heartbreak always does... I hope you have good friends to help you get through this.