Why we wear it...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pugmommy7
"makeup is my form of daily color therapy" I think I have found my new signature line!

Funny, I was just telling a friend last night that MAC is a release for me from the stress of my internship this summer especially and living w/ my in-laws (not bad, but still stressful at times), and after reading the above quote, I realize it is my form of daily therapy, though more like pre-therapy since I apply in morning (unless I've got an afternoon haul lined up!).


Well-known member
Back in the days before children I would have chimed in with the "creative outlet" folks. Now with two little ones and a job, I know from experience that taking a few minutes to put on makeup gets even the craziest days off to a better start. It's like coffee for my face.



Well-known member
I actually started getting MAC because I was working at a restaurant/bar and noticed that the more made up girls got bigger tips. I mean, the prettier your makeup and the more wild, the more people remembered you and the bigger the bucks at the end. I had been tempted before and finally went in for it and fell in love. Granted that I have the whole "no crease" curse and only put a line of color, but I guess it was enough. Granted, I left the job and work for the state now, but I'm still addicted.


Well-known member
I started wearing makeup and namely MAC because I decided to. I was quite plain in highschool, sort of a tomboy. When I was in my early 20s, I decided it was time to learn to enhace my features with makeup. I had worn makeup before, but not a lot because I didn't really know how to do it.

For me, makeup is a love. It's the 20 minutes of destress in the morning before work or school. It's my artistic outlet for the day. I am proud of how good I am at my makeup and I am proud of my collection.

I know a lot of men and women say that wearing makeup is a cover for other issues. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Myself, I love art. I entered a field in life that leaves little room for the artistic and only facts and science. I will encourage my sons and daughters to be whoever they wish and express themselves however they wish. I also like to think that MAC is a company that helps encourage this individuality and creativity.



Well-known member
maybe im the only one here... but i do wear it to looke prettier and to feel more confident

but also cos i enjoy it.... i could wear natural makeup if i just wanted to look prettier....but i love my blues and my greens etc etc....

i genuinely enjoy doin my makeup....

but i do think it does improve how i look too

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