Why. Why. Why. A Rant.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
I've reported this as well!!

You know what pissed me off? reading her comments and seeing that she prefers her dogs to all have a litter before spaying - which means she has been breeding them....

Leave the breeding to the breeders for christs sake and buy pets AS PETS!!

I agree, the breeders I know are responsible breeders and treat their animals very well. Backyard breeders - not so much.

At least the video is gone now. Hopefully she'll take them in for proper care, but I seriously doubt it. I also don't have a lot of faith that any donations made to her would end up being used for the pets.

*hugs kitties*


Well-known member
Was it a well know youtuber? I want to know who it is but I know that I shouldn't ask. I just hope that it is no one that I have a subscription to because I would promptly delete them.


Well-known member
Fucking sick display of someone using animals to play on people's sympathies. I want to kick that chick's ass. Go get a fucking job, or don't own animals you can't afford.


Well-known member
This REALLY angers me. My first dog came from a pet store, but we found out after she had seizures during her heat cycle was that she came from a puppy mill. We spent THOUSANDS of dollars for vet bills because she was our baby, like a child, there was no way we were gonna sit back and let her suffer. That is the responsibility you take when you raise and care for an animal.

That person is a sick individual. Gaining money from a dead puppy is beyond one of the sickest things I have ever heard. I pray that someone takes those animals away from her. That IS animal abuse and that lowlife should be ASHAMED of herself.

:::Off my soapbox:::

I couldn't help but reply when I saw this. It just breaks my heart that people can be so clueless and heartless when it comes to innocent creatures.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tinkerbell4726
This REALLY angers me. My first dog came from a pet store, but we found out after she had seizures during her heat cycle was that she came from a puppy mill. We spent THOUSANDS of dollars for vet bills because she was our baby, like a child, there was no way we were gonna sit back and let her suffer. That is the responsibility you take when you raise and care for an animal.

That person is a sick individual. Gaining money from a dead puppy is beyond one of the sickest things I have ever heard. I pray that someone takes those animals away from her. That IS animal abuse and that lowlife should be ASHAMED of herself.

:::Off my soapbox:::

I couldn't help but reply when I saw this. It just breaks my heart that people can be so clueless and heartless when it comes to innocent creatures.

more people that feel the way you do should get up on a soap box.

There is way too much indiffrence to animals suffering. BEcause we didnt birth them., because they cannot communicate in teh same way we do, because they don't have our blue eyes or our hair colour; people think that their lives are somehow worth less.
A life is a life.

If my cat was sick i would fork over whatever i needed to. When you bring in animal into your home you promise to love it forever. To raise it like it were you're own. To provide the best quality of life for it that you can. To treat it with dignity and respect. Because thats what animals deserve!!!!!!

My cat has infact cost our family a shitload. She's had two knee surgerys (about 3000$ for both). she's had a root canal. She's had work on her tail (she almost lost it due to some nasty cut). not to mention regular costs (regular vet visits, shots, food). But she is our family and that is the bottom line. You don't just let you're family suffer and die because it's too expensive to help.


Well-known member
I am SO glad you guys agree and to those that took the time to report the video. It makes me happy that so many of you are not only gorgeous but intelligent and ANIMAL loving people.

You guys make my heart thump faster <3

I did see that it was removed. I think she got WAY too many comments telling her what an idiot she was.

I also unsubscribed to her.


Well-known member
PS- she sent me this

"we like our dogs to have puppies at least once. then we get them spayed. this is the first time our dogs have lost a puppy. our last one's died of old age."

WHY on earth would you "LIKE" to have your dogs have puppies at least once if you CANT. FREAKING. AFFORD. THE. VET. BILLS.

GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD I wanna punch her


Well-known member
I know exactly where I'd like karma to punch her and, yes, it's unprintable here.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
I know exactly where I'd like karma to punch her and, yes, it's unprintable here.




Well-known member
so . sick .

People like that are the reason that there are so many stray animals on the streets. The reason that the dog rescue I worked for (in California) brought in over 300 dogs from Hurricane Katrina. only 10 of them had owners that came to get them all the way in California. at least the ones that were willing to do it.

My dog started having seizures one night while we driving way out of town, I had to hold him as tight as I could and tell my boyfriend to drive as fast as he safely could to get him to an Emergency Vet asap (it took us 2 hours to find one!) He had to stay there over night and it ended up being around 800 dollars, On my credit card (yikes) but I HAD to do it, there was no other choice!


Well-known member
Mac attack you are so right.

I took my guinea pig into an emergency vet over a year ago because she has having a head tilt that scared the shit out of me. It ended up being an ear infection that was treatable, but I was BAWLING because she was walking sideways and having weird twitches.

Everyone was like "you took a guinea pig to the vet at 2 am for an emergency!?" I'm like UH YEAH, that is my BABY. I have had her for FOUR YEARS. Hell yes I will pay 150 bucks to take her to the vet to make sure she is okay. I was hysterical.

I would never let her be scared and freaking out all night to wait til the next morning just to save a few bucks. Forget that.


Well-known member
Some people should just not be aloud to have pets. Animals are living and feeling things. They suffer just like humans do and purposefully let them suffer is horrible. I had a cat that had a really bad case of crystals in his bladder in urine. Its a very painful and life threatning problem. The vet discribed it as having fiberglass in you bladder passing shards of glass when you pee. I poor baby was suffering so much, I used my wedding money to pay for his care.


Well-known member
Yeah, people are absolutely disgusting about responsibly taking care of animals sometimes. I have a disturbing story...

I knew a guy who lived in a house with a few other students, and they had a cat. Cat got knocked up, they had 4 kittens. A couple months later, cat gets knocked up again. They decide they don't want to deal with more kittens, so they kill them all by smashing their heads on the side of the bathtub.

Absolutely sickening.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by radarlove
Yeah, people are absolutely disgusting about responsibly taking care of animals sometimes. I have a disturbing story...

I knew a guy who lived in a house with a few other students, and they had a cat. Cat got knocked up, they had 4 kittens. A couple months later, cat gets knocked up again. They decide they don't want to deal with more kittens, so they kill them all by smashing their heads on the side of the bathtub.

Absolutely sickening.

MY GOD that is absolutely despicable.

Why wouldnt you just take the cats to a shelter? INSTEAD YOU KILL THEM!?

I think I just puked in my mouth.
I cant even think about this.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by radarlove
Yeah, people are absolutely disgusting about responsibly taking care of animals sometimes. I have a disturbing story...

I knew a guy who lived in a house with a few other students, and they had a cat. Cat got knocked up, they had 4 kittens. A couple months later, cat gets knocked up again. They decide they don't want to deal with more kittens, so they kill them all by smashing their heads on the side of the bathtub.

Absolutely sickening.

I guess just putting them in a box and taking them to animal resue would have been much harder than beating their heads in....Hummmm so sick


Well-known member
Originally Posted by radarlove
Yeah, people are absolutely disgusting about responsibly taking care of animals sometimes. I have a disturbing story...

I knew a guy who lived in a house with a few other students, and they had a cat. Cat got knocked up, they had 4 kittens. A couple months later, cat gets knocked up again. They decide they don't want to deal with more kittens, so they kill them all by smashing their heads on the side of the bathtub.

Absolutely sickening.

And this is why i believe in the death penalty.
Or sodomy with barbed wire.

Even that's not bad enough for someone this sick.


Well-known member
That's not only completely stupid but it's so immature.

If you don't have the brains to spay/neuter your dog without knowing anything about breeding and not having money, then you need to go pick up a book and exercise that brain of yours!

Also, who wants to bet the money she'd get for her "dogs" will actually go towards make-up or something? *Hmmm!*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by radarlove
Yeah, people are absolutely disgusting about responsibly taking care of animals sometimes. I have a disturbing story...

I knew a guy who lived in a house with a few other students, and they had a cat. Cat got knocked up, they had 4 kittens. A couple months later, cat gets knocked up again. They decide they don't want to deal with more kittens, so they kill them all by smashing their heads on the side of the bathtub.

Absolutely sickening.

The sad thing is, there are lots of people that do things like this.. I wonder how they would like it if someone smashed...oh, I don't know...maybe their balls on the side of the tub?

I seriously think there is something wrong with a person's head if they can actually do something like this. I remember being little and going over to a friends house and she had a kitten. She told me that there was another, but her dad drowned it in a creek because it ate some of food her mom left on the counter. I told her I thought her dad was mean and that the cat didn't know any better, food is food and maybe her mom should not have left the food out. I didn't get invited back over after that. Eff him. It still pisses me off. Even though I was in elementary school I had more common sense* than him.