wii fit plus!


Well-known member
i used to go to the gym all the time and then i just started going less and less until i quit going altogether and lost all that gorgeous muscle i built up.

i started playing wii fit when my sister came down and my boyfriend and i went to get wii fit plus (not gonna lie we just wanted it for the pet stats initially!) three days out of the week i build an eighty minute routine and the other four days i just do some light wii fitness. already seeing major improvements in everything and it's been only a week or two.

it tells me i'm underweight at a bmi of 16.27 but i feel and look healthy, and i'm still in a c cup so i couldn't have lost too much weight. i think i'm just getting super lean and i'm okay with that.
i love the little progress graph it makes for you!

anyone else using this?


Well-known member
I bought the Wii and the Wii Fit plus board a few weeks ago. I also love it, I rarely exercise. Now that I have this I exercise at leats 3 times a week.


Well-known member
I just bought a wii yesterday,and in a few weeks I am going to get the wii fit plus.I can't wait to get it,sounds like a lot of fun!


Well-known member
I have it! I was planning on getting the original Wii Fit for the longest time but I'm glad I never got around to it and got the new version.. I love it! I use it for an hour 4-5 days a week and the games can get a little boring doing the same ones all the time but it's still alot of fun and I love how it tells you how many calories you burn.. I'd definately recommend it.


Well-known member
I have it and really like it. You can get a real work out if you want to and I love that it's cheaper than a few months of a gym membership and I don't have to drive anywhere to do a light work out. It is helpful to have something track things for you, but you can easily do that with an online journal... it's just I've always felt that I didn't need to, but I do find it motivational. I now want to look into EA Active.


Well-known member
Hehe I have it too! Sooo much fun!
The SUper Hoola hoop one really tightens your abs if you do it probably, let me tell you that
I want to get the Jillian game off the biggest loser! I reckon that would be awesome!

CeCe bOO13

Well-known member
Originally Posted by paige2727
Hehe I have it too! Sooo much fun!
The SUper Hoola hoop one really tightens your abs if you do it probably, let me tell you that
I want to get the Jillian game off the biggest loser! I reckon that would be awesome!

i have wii fit, i got plus for xmas and i got biggest loser for xmas..

lol the biggest loser is awesome! u start off as a heavier person and you get skinner as you make progress! she really works you and she even gives you recipies and meals and what not! i havent really played it lately jsut on xmas but i figured i mines well start now =]

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