Wisdom teeth removal.

Kiwi Girlie

Well-known member
Ok, im really freaked out now. Only one of my Wisdom teeth has broken through the gum atm, the rest are still impacted. But my dentist said the other day when I was there that there wont be enough room for all of them once they do come through and i'll have to get them removed soon...

And after reading all these posts, Im scared!! hah ill definately have to be put to sleep, the last time I got just normal teeth pulled I could hear them yanking them out, That was really not cool to hear, lol!


Well-known member
Hi everyone.
I didn't get them taken out today beacuse Oral surgeon didn't call my doctor about my Asthma. I was all hooked up and ready to go and then he told me that we couldn't do it today. I'm realllly mad, gah! I missed school and my mom spent $50 on a boat ticket! I felt like it was my fault so I started to cry in the car.
But She cheered me up by taking me shopping and going to the 99 for lunch.


Well-known member
I'm really sorry things went badly for you today. It wasn't your fault at all - the oral surgeon should accept all the blame. Sounds like your mum is a real sweetie.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kiwi Girlie
Ok, im really freaked out now. Only one of my Wisdom teeth has broken through the gum atm, the rest are still impacted. But my dentist said the other day when I was there that there wont be enough room for all of them once they do come through and i'll have to get them removed soon...

And after reading all these posts, Im scared!! hah ill definately have to be put to sleep, the last time I got just normal teeth pulled I could hear them yanking them out, That was really not cool to hear, lol!

Don't be scared. There's nothing really to be scared off, just a few days of liquids and not alot of talking. I think a majority of the extractions are done while the patient is under. I haven't heard of anyone left awake while it goes on.

And get them out as soon as you can. Mine were left in for years, and they caused me to need braces for a good 6/7 years of my life, when all this time my impacted wisdom teeth were causing my other teeth to "bunch up".

Also noting that one of yours has broken through, same thing happened with one of mine, and it got infected. And having infected tooth(teeth) is worse than getting them pulled.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tyester
I think a majority of the extractions are done while the patient is under. I haven't heard of anyone left awake while it goes on

I had a badly impacted wisdom tooth extracted under a local anaesthetic. Even though quite a bit of bone removal was required to remove the tooth I chose the local anaesthetic. I could have had a general anaesthetic but didn't really see the point. The tooth was pressing hard against the root of the tooth in front and would eventually have damaged it severely.


Well-known member
I had all four teeth taken out this year. The actual surgery wasn't bad, but please please make sure you continue to regularly use mouth wash/salty water..... I got really lazy with this and ended up with an infection, which actually hurt more and caused me more problems than getting my teeth out! Even if you think you don't need to do it, make sure you do until your dentist tells you otherwise, don't make the same mistake as me!

Also, avoid eating rice at all costs until the holes have closed sufficiently!

Hope you're feeling better soon!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angelique☆
I had all four teeth taken out this year. The actual surgery wasn't bad, but please please make sure you continue to regularly use mouth wash/salty water..... I got really lazy with this and ended up with an infection, which actually hurt more and caused me more problems than getting my teeth out! Even if you think you don't need to do it, make sure you do until your dentist tells you otherwise, don't make the same mistake as me!

Also, avoid eating rice at all costs until the holes have closed sufficiently!

Hope you're feeling better soon!

I've been having broth,mashed taters,sorbet/ice cream,ginger ale (warm), and tea (warm). I've also had mashed taters with salmon in them.


Well-known member
do you have to pee every 20 or 30 minutes for a couple of hours after you wake up from general anesthesia? Because when I was 10, I had a dental surgery and that's what I remember happening. I'm going to get my wisdom teeth removed this summer and I don't know how I'm going to deal with that when I'm all effed up from painkillers and I'm riding in the car for an hour to go back home. (The closest place that does the operation is an hour away)

How common is the side effect of nausea and vomiting, and how can you lower the chances of it happening? I'm terrified of vomiting and I'm almost crying thinking about it even though the process is 6 months away and that might not even happen.


Well-known member
Well I had to pee like normal, but than again I didn't go under anasthesia.

But everyone does vary in their recovery and side effects. Alot of people told me that they were fine... and other's were f-ed up.

ME.. however, it was TERRIBLE!!!!!!!! They kept me awake while they pulled out all four of my wisdom teeth.. I felt like my jaw was about to break. I'm very pain tolerant.. but I sure did shed some tears!!! MANY tears. Right afterwards.. I was pretty okay.. I just felt really fonky looking.. with a swollen face. But than I started the medicine/pain killers.. and I threw up alot... and couldn't eat. And one set of stitches.. didn't heal very good. So like one side of my jaw was bruised purple/blue. But FINALLY after a couple of grueling weeks.. I was great!!!

But I do recommend getting them pulled out ASAP... or THEY WILL shift your teeth! Good luck sweety! Hope I didn't scare you!


Well-known member
my wisdom teeth have been playing peek-a-boo over the past few years (they start to break through then sink down again, only staying around long enough to annoy me, lol) and, today, as i rinsed my mouth with warm saltwater because my gums were swelling I realised that I'm going to have to get them taken out.
I hate going to the dentist! So, I'm putting it off until sometime this summer.

Alot of you have mentioned having all 4 taken out but only one of mine is causing an issue (that i can see). Do you recommend getting all 4 taken out even if they're not bothering you?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iamlelilien
How common is the side effect of nausea and vomiting, and how can you lower the chances of it happening? I'm terrified of vomiting and I'm almost crying thinking about it even though the process is 6 months away and that might not even happen.

The absolute most important thing is to find a dentist you trust. I was the same way as you, I had a HUGE fear of throwing up (under any circurmstances, not just the dentist) and I was in constant pain from my teeth and too scared to go to the dentist. There were times I'd be in the chair and get up and leave.

Two things that helped me ... I found a dentist I really liked and I explained to him my fears and he would let me just sit if I needed to. And music ... I listen to my Ipod so I can't hear and the music distracts me from what's going on.

I've had 3 of my 4 wisdom teeth out, and never even got slightly nauseous from it ... So please don't panic about it! You'll be ok!


Well-known member
I had all 4 out at age 30. Three of them had roots wrapped around to my jaw so they came out in bits. I had two black eyes and chipmunk cheeks. I stayed awake for it. I never took any painkillers after the event, not even tylenol ( I am as tough as they come. I had to go to a lecture the next day and someone asked me "Does your husband beat you" I said "No, my periodontist does!"
Put frozen peas and frozen packs to your face. Helps the swelling go down.


Well-known member
I also had all 4 out.. I think I was 16. Unlike all other people, I was completely awake during my operation. I was under HEAVY sedation... so heavy that my dentist had to keep waking me up! Haha. Anyways, the sedation makes you feel good and the anesthetic needle is the only thing that hurt me. The operation was a little uncomfortable because of the tugging on my mouth (didn't hurt though) and the LOUD noises!

They gave me really strong meds and other antibiotics.. one was vicodin and the other was STRONGER than that which I had to get licensed to take hahaha! The latter made me throw up so I stopped taking it.

I didn't bleed much but one side of my cheek BLEW UP! I looked like kanye west haha. My jaw sorta locked afterwards from not being able to eat. I ate all liquids and some jello! You'll lose like 10 pounds! ha


Well-known member
Oh God...I was a sophomore in high school and had all four removed and two were impacted. I had NO anesthesia - only tons of Novocaine and Vicodin. I can't sit still for more than an hour watching TV, even then I have to get up during commercials. After a whole day watching soap operas with peas on my face, I had enough. I got up and decided I was making dinner for myself. Long story short, I passed out in front of the stove taking the pot of boiling water with me (I was making Ramen noodles) giving myself a second degree burn on my left arm. I was in bandages for three weeks after that and could only shower with one arm/hand. All this and I was only on 1/2 a Vicodin pill. Note to self, do not cook dinner on pain killers.


Well-known member
I had one removed and it wasn't so bad actually. It felt a bit sore the day after and it hurt to open my mouth very wide. I ate Kraft dinner for a few days and lukewarm soups with mushy bread soaked in. The dentist told me to just rinse a few times a day with salt water to clean the wound. It actually wasn't that bad...I don't think I ever took a painkiller for it.


Well-known member
I had all 4 taken out 2.5 years ago under general anaesthetic. I remember being really narky when i woke up about the jelly cos i hate jelly LOL

I was okay until the pain killers wore out that they must have given me whilst i was under. I couldnt swallow so i survived off children paracetamol (liquid) and that was plenty.

I had a hair net on my head for atleast 1.5 days with an icepack around my chin and i did not swell or bruise at all. My surgeon came highly recommended too but i think that helped majorly.

I survived off mash potato, soup, mushy weet bix (australian cereal). I had them out on a tuesday and was eating properly maybe 1.5 weeks after the surgery with lots of care.

Has anyone noticed a change in their face shape? My face, particularly my jaw is alot narrower than is was pre wisdom teeth extraction. ANDDDD i eat alot slower now after the surgery (I have no idea why i just associate my slow eating with after my wisdom teeth extraction, but thats when i started eating slow)

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