WOC - A Rose Romance


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladyvirtuous
Okay, I'm in the process of posting the swatches...but I must say that the Beauty powder blushes are the ASHIEST things I've ever seen on my skin. Do.Not.Want!!!

Thank you so much for helping me eliminate the BPB's from my list

SO far all i want is

Steal my heart
silver thorn


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladyvirtuous
Oh, you're Becky!!! Hey!!

Okay, other suggestions....hmmm....One I would suggest is Partial to Pink cremesheen l/g (if you are willing to pay $18). Another one I would suggest is Creme Cup l/s (applied very lightly), Underage l/g....try them out first since you're lips are pigmented. That is the closest to baby doll pink that I can find.

Thanks so much Erin. I am going to check these colors out today.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dominichulinda
ok I think I want the BP's again..I think I'll just get them lol.

I want them too but i am afraid they'll be ashy............maybe i might finally go to the MAC store for this


Well-known member
Hi girls, I just posted some swatches for some of the Rose Romance stuff in the swatch section! I was surprised I actually got to see some of this in the store today -- but luckily, my family wanted to go eat at the mall food court. Yay!

I only got to swatch a few things -- mostly the stuff I was interested in because I didn't have much time.

I'm NC40, asian with yellow undertones, dk brown eyes/hair.

Overall, I didn't think the eyeshadows were that sheer on me actually. The first picture I posted is pretty true to color on me so you guys can look at those for better color idea.

"Of Summer" - This was a very pretty lilac that was pigmented, I thought, but just a light color. Application was smooth.

"Et tu, Bouquet?" - This one was a tad bit chunkier to go on, but it was pigmented too and just a light color.

"Silverthorn" - This is the one I was interested in most. It is super pigmented and reminds me of an industrial metal. It has the greenish undertones like the others suggest. It's really frosty on me and the application is smooth. This is the most unique of the 3 but I'm still on the fence if I really want this. My eyelids are getting wrinkly and I think this will bring that wrinkly feature out more. Plus, I don't think this really goes that well with my skin tone.

Blush/Beauty Powders
Comparing "Summer Rose" and "Blush of Youth", they looked a little similar on me on the face -- I think because I have a slight natural flush due to the pregnancy though so they both come off pinky.

"Just a Pinch" - This is not liquidy at all, and it's got a medium stiffness consistency. I didn't think it applied that smoothly on my hand, but I didn't try it on my cheeks. The color is more reddish than pink on me. I was super excited about this when the collection was first announced, but I don't think this will look that good on me either.

"Summer Rose" - This is pigmented enough to be used as a light blush on NC40. It has a very very slight cool violet cast to it but it is mostly rose. I probably don't NEED this but I'll probably cave and get it..

"Blush of Youth" - This is too light to be used as a light blush on NC40. It is a light pinky ashy color on my hand but on my face, I don't see it too ashy. It kinda reminds me of a less shimmery version of Barbie Loves Mac Pearl Blossom but I'll have to go check mine to compare.

"Love & Friendship" Nail Polish - This is actually way purplier and darker than I expected! I totally wanted to get it after seeing one of the more pinky light swatches in the swatch thread, but on me, it is a medum lavender. I'm completely passing on this one. I think others may like it but I was hoping for something lighter to make my skin pop more. I was dissapointed with this.

"Secret Crush" Lippie - This looks like clear red gel in the tube. I only swatched it on my hand and it's a bit liquidy compared to lip glass. I didn't care for it so I didn't even bother swatching the other see through lip stuff.

Unfortunately, they didn't have the quad out for testing.
I didn't see Fix+Rose (which I wanted). They had the two pigments but I didn't have time to test them or the lipsticks.

I also tried Fresh Brew on while I was there, due to the other WoC Fresh Brew thread. I don't think it does much for me since it's pretty close to my skin tone. I don't think pairing it with the light beauty powders did it much justice though, so I may try it again someday with a more daring cheek.

I could theoretically pass on this whole collection -- but....I'll probably get the Fix+ Rose and Summer Rose Beauty Powder. Not sure about Silverthorn and Blush of Youth yet. I think I'll sleep on it.

Hope this helps!


Well-known member
Well my list has gotten wayyy smaller. Now I only want:

Silverthorn Eyeshadow
Summer Rose Beauty Powder
Fix + Rose
Love + Friendship Nail Polish
The Quad - Maybe...


Well-known member
I'm considering:

Love and Friendship n/p
Silverthorn e/s
Fix+ Rose
Magnetique l/g
Way to Love l/s
Odyssey l/s


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladyvirtuous
....oh crap, I still have to get that quad...

I love how you keep forgetting about that darn quad!

Thanks to everyone's swatches and feedback I'm getting a big, fat zero from this collection. Like others have said, Style Warriors holds so much more promise.

brownsuga lady

Well-known member
I might get Silverthorn...maybe. If I like it enough when I go swatch it. Other than that...nada. Waiting on Style Warriors..


Well-known member
I think if one had to one thing from this collection, it would Silverthorn. A gray duochrome is hard to come by. I haven't seen it before, maybe benefit had one years ago, but this seems pretty unique.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
I think if one had to one thing from this collection, it would Silverthorn. A gray duochrome is hard to come by. I haven't seen it before, maybe benefit had one years ago, but this seems pretty unique.

I need to look at Silverthorn closer, I think. I kind of view Vex as a gray duochrome, actually. But damnit, I didn't want one thing from this collection until I saw the swatches on that other site. Now I want Tender Tryst. But that's all.


Active member
I'm late to the party...but I made the hour journey to my nearest MAC counter to view (before automatically saying it wasn't for me) and I'll say it. Not for me. I had originally wanted the See-Through Lip Colors...but after hearing how small they were, and seeing as well, I passed. Nothing else really caught my eye. Eh. Oh well. More $$ For Style Warrior


Well-known member
Sticking firm to the two items my mom got me ....Silverthorn e/s and Love & Friendship n/l
Not buying!


Well-known member
Well I'm a woman of my word. I got Silverthorn e/s and Tender Tryst see thru colour. I took swatches, but it's a little too late and I think it would look better in natural light. Anyway, I really like Tender Tryst by itself if you use it lightly. It gives me that sorta pouty not really trying look when I wanna low key day. I did learn as I was doing the swatches that you shouldn't rub your lips together with the see thru because it starts to roll up on the inside of your lips (if you understand what I mean).

SilverThorn is nice because it just fills my silver collection. I don't have many so if it looks like another one, I don't have it more than likely. I looked at other things and I was really close to buying Odessy l/s to put under the Tender Tryst. But I was being good. I was trying to think if I have that would be close to Odessy (nothing), but I can probably use it with Chignon.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KJBarbie
I'm late to the party...but I made the hour journey to my nearest MAC counter to view (before automatically saying it wasn't for me) and I'll say it. Not for me. I had originally wanted the See-Through Lip Colors...but after hearing how small they were, and seeing as well, I passed. Nothing else really caught my eye. Eh. Oh well. More $$ For Style Warrior

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Sticking firm to the two items my mom got me ....Silverthorn e/s and Love & Friendship n/l
Not buying!

I agree w/ you both I only got 2 things...tender tryst & secret crush lip stains..and also a 190 brush/spring bean, virgin kiss (?) l/g!!


Well-known member
I stopped by today and honestly nothing still caught my eye. I did pick up mutiny pigment and i love it. and steal my heart lipgloss, i wanted to get silverthorn but the woman said if u have electra u don't necessarily need it.

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