WOC: Bloggers' Collection


Well-known member
Definitely co-signing on the NARS Downtown...that thing stays in my purse at all times!

In terms of this collection, definitely Jealousy Wakes and I might check out Sonoran Rain just cause I love her blog.


Well-known member
YEs very pretty I have it as well. . .that was my first . . . .. . . NARS lipgloss that is. . hahaha !!!

Definitely co-signing on the NARS Downtown...that thing stays in my purse at all times!

In terms of this collection, definitely Jealousy Wakes and I might check out Sonoran Rain just cause I love her blog.


Well-known member
getting Parisian Skies, All of My Purple Life and jealously Wakes. That's it! Last haul for awhile, semi precious looks meh to me


Well-known member
[quote name="sss215" url="/forum/thread/175438/woc-bloggers-collection#post_2127462"] getting Parisian Skies, All of My Purple Life and jealously Wakes. That's it! Last haul for awhile, semi precious looks meh to me
[/quote] I'm with you on Semi Precious. I was only interested in the lip products and a brush or two. However, I don't need anymore brushes and these new ones don't seem innovative. Also, I have so many lip products that I have to think of what to wear. I know I've gone to far. So, I'm passing unless something looks AMAZING. I'm getting Jealousy Wakes, Sonoran Rain and Caqui.


Well-known member
My list consists of:
Jealousy wakes
and all my purple life...

I put myself on an eyeshadow purchase no-buy unless their one of a kind and undupable...JW is the only shadow that i feel meets those criteria.


Well-known member
I'm definitely going with:
Hocus Pocus (she said the silver has a purple hue to it on darker skinned ladies...heck yeah I'm getting this!)
Sonoran Rain (please be the HG red/coral/orange I've been looking for all my life)
All My Purple Life (I have nothing like it, and I <3 Prince!)

I'm on the fence about:
Jealousy Wakes (pretty emerald green, unsure though how it'd look on me. I never want to work at making a color work on me.)
Sparkle Neely Sparkle (I'm always down for another brown, but the swatch I've seen doesn't look like anything I don't already have)

I'm leaving be:
Caqui (afraid it'll disappoint like Hibiscus)
Nitro 2046 (doesn't look unique)
Evolution Revolution (I adore my fellow crazy cat lady, but this color just seems so...meh to me)


Well-known member
Now that swatches are up my list has changed:

Revolution Evolution l/g
Sonorian Rain l/g

Jealousy Wakes e/s
Hocus Pocus e/s

Sparkly Neely Sparkly e/s


Well-known member
Surprisingly Sonoran Rain has jumped off of my list, and Parisian Skies has jumped on! I keep going back and forth on Hocus Pocus so I guess I'll leave that out.

-Parisian Skies


Well-known member
I'm digging AMPL and HP. It vexes me that HP is a satin, but it swatched so beautifully, I'm willing to make an exception and hope for the best! I wonder how the various eyeshadow finishes were decided upon? Did the blogger who created it specify the finish she wanted, or did MAC decide?


Well-known member
That was my thinking too, Mac-Guy, but then I was kind of like, who would knowingly request a satin finish, hee hee! Just kidding, I realize that not everyone loathes satin.

I would think that the bloggers could specify the finish.

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