WOC: Colour Craft


Well-known member
I said to myself that I was completely passing on this collection....LOL...

...but of course, I ended up getting only three items. Warm Blend MSF, Pretty Pattern l/g and Natural Flame MES. I had no desire to get anything else. I'm so proud of myself, LOL.

Warm Blend is gorgeous!


Well-known member
I'm NW45 (I think) and I ended up getting the 131 brush (and its looks like its will be amazing, its just in between the 188 and 187 and a little flat so it would be great for foundation and contouring!) I also got the Warm Blend MSF which is GORGEOUS!!!I am going to use it as a bronzer for the cheeks and the neckline. Also got the Natural Flare MES as I own no orangish shadows. Love it! I think I'll go back to get he Assemblage and the Eccentricity.


Well-known member
I went today and picked up Warm Blend and Style Demon. I posted swatches on the Colour Craft Swatches forum.

Can I say that Warm Blend is freakin hot??!!!
I didn't hear much about Style Demon but it is such a gorgeous color for WOC!!! It's like a coppery reddish gold color on my NC45 tone. I will be going back next week to pick up the other stuff I had on my list if they're still in stock.


Well-known member
Just got back from the MAC counter. Here's what I bought....

Warm Blend MSF: Like most of you ladies have said, this is a MUST HAVE for a WOC. Gorgeous on the cheeks. It reminds me of Warmed, but the color is more intense.

Smooth Merge - I'm on the fence with this one. It reminds me alot of Blonde MSF which I passed up on b/c I didn't like it. However, when the sun hits it you get a pretty light pink sheen. It may go back...

Made with Love l/s - I LOVE this lipstick already and I may B2M for another one. Its sheer, bright coral on my lips, great for the summer. I like it layered w/ Costa Chic l/s

Most Popular - I had this already from HK. It's like a berry stain on my lips. Very pretty!

A few other things I noticed:

...Triple Fusion MSF - very, very similar to Redhead which I do have and never use.

...Style Demon blush looks similar to Merrily. In fact, I held both blushes together and they looked the exact same. However, when they are swatched SD has more of the gold reflects than Merrily, Merrily is more of that gorgeous brick red color and a little gold shimmer. I skipped it.

...Saint Germain = "Pepto Bismol" pink on me...no thanks!

...I didn't even notice the lipglasses. I don't even remember seeing them at my counter.

...passed up on all of the eyeshadows. I need to use the ones I already own.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladyvirtuous
I said to myself that I was completely passing on this collection....LOL...

...but of course, I ended up getting only three items. Warm Blend MSF, Pretty Pattern l/g and Natural Flame MES. I had no desire to get anything else. I'm so proud of myself, LOL.

Warm Blend is gorgeous!

now if ONLY they would bring bak metal rock... id be set with Metal Rock, Brunette and Warm Blend!! MAC SHUD READ THIS and makes us woc's happy
(ofcourse i want the other peachy/orangey/goldy/pinky/red ones)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladyvirtuous
I said to myself that I was completely passing on this collection....LOL...

...but of course, I ended up getting only three items. Warm Blend MSF, Pretty Pattern l/g and Natural Flame MES. I had no desire to get anything else. I'm so proud of myself, LOL.

Warm Blend is gorgeous!

Finally, someone else liked Pretty Pattern! I got that one and Back2MAC'ed for Ever Embellish--which also gets no love. I wanted MWL but it showed up on my lips like Big Bow which I have. Style Demon did not work for me either.

miss sha

Well-known member
Trying to get ideas for my makeup tomorrow.
How are you all applying the MSFs that you got?

I think Smooth Merge works great as a blush if you use it lightly and Cheeky Bronze is great if you use it as sort of cheek highlight/warmth but I'm not sure what to do with the more matte Sunny By Nature or Warm Blend.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss sha
Trying to get ideas for my makeup tomorrow.
How are you all applying the MSFs that you got?

I think Smooth Merge works great as a blush if you use it lightly and Cheeky Bronze is great if you use it as sort of cheek highlight/warmth but I'm not sure what to do with the more matte Sunny By Nature or Warm Blend.

smooth merge looks like a great pink blush without petticoats raspberry metallic sheen.. love
.. sunny by nature can make ur cheek bones pop without looking OT.. so more daytime
warm blend LOVEEEEEEEEEE... i swirl and use it like a blush/bronzer/highlight/contour .. its all in one! actually when the SA used this with the 188 the glitter was much less noticeable as compared to other brushes


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dayjoy
Finally, someone else liked Pretty Pattern! I got that one and Back2MAC'ed for Ever Embellish--which also gets no love. I wanted MWL but it showed up on my lips like Big Bow which I have. Style Demon did not work for me either.

wud love for ne of u to do swatches of pretty pattern! wanna see if it looks like Lust? i may exchange Miss Marble for Pretty Pattern if the latter is not dupeable or Nice mix up...... tho Miss Marble is a pretty dusty pink and looks good on darker skin tones.. doesnt wash u out.. decisions!


Well-known member
this is completely OT but need help! which one wud u suggest .. Liberated or Goldyrocks? is either of them really necessary?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Prototype83
Warm Blend MSF: Like most of you ladies have said, this is a MUST HAVE for a WOC. Gorgeous on the cheeks. It reminds me of Warmed, but the color is more intense.

I actually think Warm Blend is better than Warmed!

Originally Posted by Dayjoy
Finally, someone else liked Pretty Pattern! I got that one and Back2MAC'ed for Ever Embellish--which also gets no love. I wanted MWL but it showed up on my lips like Big Bow which I have. Style Demon did not work for me either.

I didn't even bother to get the others. The orangish one (is that the Style Demon one?) looks similar to Pink Grapefruit, so I passed.

Originally Posted by miss sha
Trying to get ideas for my makeup tomorrow.
How are you all applying the MSFs that you got?

I apply it with my Bobbi Brown Face Blender brush. It's great!

Originally Posted by nichollecaren
ladies, whats the glitter factor like in warm blend? Is it Gold deposit, like or Warmed?

Hmmm....I would say kinda like an in between, but more leaning towards Warmed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladyvirtuous
I actually think Warm Blend is better than Warmed!


Warm blend better than Warmed

Oh, this I gotta see. I love Warmed.


Well-known member
I got warm blend, 226 ( i was fiending for this), natural flare (my first mineral e/s) and funky fusion ( don't like this on my lips)

Warm blend is the shiznit!!!
The blushes are pretty, fadubulous and style demon stood out to me, gonna go back for style demon i'm gonna skip the other one. I also wanna go back for sunny by nature (I expect this to be prettier), smooth merge and pretty pattern. Also the I wanted to pass on the 131 but it worked really well applying warm blend....
so now I want it but damn that price despite my pro discount.... Oh well!


Well-known member
Does anyone have Warm Blend, Gold Deposit, Warmed, Global Glow, and Shooting Star MSFs? If you have most of them, can you please, please swatch them side by side?


Well-known member
Question- Do any of you ladies use your MSF's wet/damp? I'm having a little trouble...

I'm seriously thinking about taking Smooth Merge. It's pretty...but kinda chunky. The portion that's more golden reminds me alot of Mythology.


Well-known member
I just use my MSF'S as a layer over a matte blush. So I never used them wet to get a better pay-off.


Well-known member
I completely skipped the eyeshadows. Nothing really called me to take them home. I did get Style Demon blush. I got to the counter a little late in the evening so they were getting ready to close. I may go back and take another look at the MSFs.

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