WOC - Hello Kitty and Kitty Kouture


Well-known member
^^I'm a bit sad that Fun n Games blush isn't that great. I thought it would look gorgeous on brown skin. I find that the Beauty Powder Blushes all seem a bit chalky to start but once they are buffed into the skin they look great. I might have to wait and swatch it for myself... I'd just rather buy it from the States if I can because it will be $40+ here in Australia. :x

Thank you so much ladies for all of your wonderful reviews and swatches on your gorgeous skin. It's been really helpful and I've managed to knock a bunch of stuff off of my list and save some money. As much as I love MAC, I refuse to revert to my old ways and buy things just for the sake of having them >_<


Well-known member
hey is anyone playing with Milk p/g? i had a dream about it haha, so i kinda regret not buying it

brownsuga lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by wifey806
hey is anyone playing with Milk p/g? i had a dream about it haha, so i kinda regret not buying it

It reminds me too much of Kitchmas and I had enough troubled getting that one to work right (so chunky!!). I passed on it.


Well-known member
Not the greatest Pictures my dh was not at all patient with my detour by the Mac Store

Most Popular (1st) top to bottom Big Bow, Cutester, Straying and Fashion Mews


Lipglosses: (l-r)
Mimmy, Sweet Strawberry She Loves Candy, Nice to Be Nice, Nice Kitty and Fast Friends



Well-known member
Ok guys remember that I was only geeting One Lipstick and 2 l/g

I preordered
Nice to be Nice l/g
Fast Friends l/g
Nice Kitty l/g

Fashion Mews l/s
Big Bow l/s
Most Popular l/s

still on the fence with Straying ...it looks so much like Show Orchid ...will have to swatch them side by side in a bit

Swatches...does not compare really
Show Orchid 1st
top to bottom
Girl About Town, Up the Amp, HK Strayin, Hollywood Nights

without Show Orchid


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spectrolite
I'm a bit conflicted about Hello Kitty. I have always loved HK but I'm not that excited about the collection like I was with Fafi. I'm still sad that there are no new paint pots with this collection. too I have my eye on some things and I will probably narrow my list down a bit more after I see more swatches. For now I would like to get:

- Fresh Brew l/s
- Most Popular l/s
- Mimmy l/g - Sounds like it could be as nice as Sugar Trance!
- Lucky Tom Palette
- Fun n Games Beauty Powder Blush
- Hello Kitty Purse Mirror - definitely getting this!
- Mirrored Key Clip

I know right??!! A rich midtone pink (heck, any pink) p/p would have been awesome to see


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Not the greatest Pictures my dh was not at all patient with my detour by the Mac Store

Most Popular (1st) top to bottom Big Bow, Cutester, Straying and Fashion Mews


Lipglosses: (l-r)
Mimmy, Sweet Strawberry She Loves Candy, Nice to Be Nice, Nice Kitty and Fast Friends

GIRRRRLLL, that watch is HOT!!! I love it!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NaturallyME
GIRRRRLLL, that watch is HOT!!! I love it!!

Thanks girl it was a valentines gift 2 years ago from the dh...It's a Kenneth Cole and I would die if it ever stopped ticking I love the design of it too!!


Well-known member
Was Cute-Ster any good of a color for you? I am NW43 and was looking into getting this along with Mimmy, but I am not sure if it would be to light or chalky.
I hadn't planned to buy anything from the HK collection. I wasn't into HK at all growing up (so no sentimental attachment). And I didn't like - what to me is - the strong pink/punky colors of the e/s, lipstick, etc.

Stopped by the store today only because I read that the brush set had a 109 in it and I've been wanting to try the 109.

I got the brush set. I had never seen the medium size makeup bag before. Think it was a tad expensive for a makeup bag, but I've been looking for a bag that size for a while so got it. After the MA tried the e/s palette on me (the one with the yellow, orange, and purple e/s), I ended up buying that too. Was actually pleasantly surprised that the e/s were more flattering than I'd expected (i.e. not nearly as 'punky').


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ninaxmac
Was Cute-Ster any good of a color for you? I am NW43 and was looking into getting this along with Mimmy, but I am not sure if it would be to light or chalky.

It is a nude with a hint of pink.....Much like all the other pinky neutrals IMO...It is the only color I did not give a second glance..well that and Fresh Brew I already have that


Well-known member
Grr I just oredered Strayin hoping it was the perfect pink I hope it looks ok hmmm good thing I can reaturn it f not...anyones thought on she loves candy l/g for us woc?


Well-known member
I can personally tell you...I would not wear Strayin if it was given to me as a free gift...It is hideous IMO ...the worst frosted Hot pink mess ever! She loves Candy is pretty on...looks very similar to Pink Clash

The swatches on Strayin are VERY deceiving!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I can personally tell you...I would not wear Strayin if it was given to me as a free gift...It is hideous IMO ...the worst frosted Hot pink mess ever! She loves Candy is pretty on...looks very similar to Pink Clash

The swatches on Strayin are VERY deceiving!

I know girl I saw what you said about even the MA telling you to take it off lol. It sounds pretty bad oh well they just gotta take it back if it dont work on me. I dont have pink clash would you say its a staple?

I dont live anywhere near a counter grrr what about Most Popular? I was going to get Big Bow but I have fun n sexy ls and rock out slimshine which look similar.

I got Tippy but the other blush seemed like it would be way too sheer on my dark skin.


Well-known member
It's really pretty it is a pale pink with a hint of gold frost...If you don't have Pink Clash I would def get it...Not sure if it's a staple IMO but it is very pretty

Big Bow and Fun & Sexy are totally different....I really liked it...kinda sheer...but can be worn alone or over a another color...

I LOVEEEE Most Popular and it is a muted berry plum red....and will look fabulous on your skin tone....Fabulous!! It's a deeper dark berry than the pics show


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
It's really pretty it is a pale pink with a hint of gold frost...If you don't have Pink Clash I would def get it...Not sure if it's a staple IMO but it is very pretty

Big Bow and Fun & Sexy are totally different....I really liked it...kinda sheer...but can be worn alone or over a another color...

I LOVEEEE Most Popular and it is a muted berry plum red....and will look fabulous on your skin tone....Fabulous!! It's a deeper dark berry than the pics show

Thats nice to hear because its the only l/s i plan on getting from the collection when it eventually reaches the U.K


Well-known member
I'm getting more excited for the collection. I do hope it hits the website at midnight EST tonight. I would rather just place my order and be done. I don't even know if my counter will get it. As of Thursday, they didnt' have Creamsheen and was not sure when it would come in. I have not decided what I'm getting. I know a few things for sure but, I can't decide if I really want/need the soft train case or Lucky Tom. I may just order first and decide later.


Well-known member
Quick question:
I know that most of us love super pigmented lipglosses and all, but are there any pros to these sheer lip glosses? Would it be just as easy to get some of the reflects glitter and make our own with the same result?


Well-known member
Well, I just got back... I got Fresh Brew, Strayin, both TLCs, Too Dolly palette, & both beauty powders.

TISH you are SOOOOOO damn right about Strayin! BOOOOO!!
It looks like chatterbox does on me! I look like a clown. LOL!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ExquizitDiva
Well, I just got back... I got Fresh Brew, Strayin, both TLCs, Too Dolly palette, & both beauty powders.

TISH you are SOOOOOO damn right about Strayin! BOOOOO!!
It looks like chatterbox does on me! I look like a clown. LOL!!

I see that you are NW43 like me and I am having a hard time trying to figure out which TLC to get. Which of the two were better if not both?

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