WOC: In The Groove


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Blushbaby
How similar is Comfort to Sunny by Nature MSF from Colour Craft last summer?? I skipped it first time cos I thought it'd give me the same look. If I have Sunny by Nature, can I leave Comfort alone

Comfort is a little darker than Sunny By Nature. When applied to my NC50 skin tone you can't tell the difference between the two.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sony
lol..I agree with both of you...Do we need to walk in picket line and chant "Bring Back Metal Rock" or what..but I'll still take Stereo Rose for now

I actually wrote MAC a long email about Metal Rock and the lack of WOC-friendly colors/products and about discontinuing darker shades in some formulas and some altogether.


Well-known member
I'm getting:

Comfort MSF
Stereo Rose MSF
New Vibe Blush
Band of Roses Blush
Togetherness MES

Yayyy! A nice short list


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
I actually wrote MAC a long email about Metal Rock and the lack of WOC-friendly colors/products and about discontinuing darker shades in some formulas and some altogether.

thanks for doing this. I sent them an email and their response was the standard "
Decisions to discontinue a product are often based upon nationwide purchasing patterns or technological advances made available to us" and then they offered the gone but not forgotten service which you have to provide your credit card number for them to put a trace in the warehouse on the discontinued item.

I did not like their response. I don't think they have a way to follow "nationwide purchasing patterns" because if you purchase MAC from a counter, the database is linked to the store and not the MAC database. ALSO, how do they know if a NW45/47 is buying a lipstick. Again, that is a MAC store function.

Their response did not address my real concern and I am not giving them my cc number for them to trace an item they might not even find . Seriously, if Metal Rock is sitting in a warehouse somewhere, it needs to be in a CCO for purchasing. 5 years later???

I hope your response is a better answer.


Well-known member
Um so I am always out of the loop with MAC collections. But I have some empties and Call my buff, I like it like that, and Go for it seems like they may have a new home!

No MSF for me, I have three and never use them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sss215

thanks for doing this. I sent them an email and their response was the standard "
Decisions to discontinue a product are often based upon nationwide purchasing patterns or technological advances made available to us" and then they offered the gone but not forgotten service which you have to provide your credit card number for them to put a trace in the warehouse on the discontinued item.

I did not like their response. I don't think they have a way to follow "nationwide purchasing patterns" because if you purchase MAC from a counter, the database is linked to the store and not the MAC database. ALSO, how do they know if a NW45/47 is buying a lipstick. Again, that is a MAC store function.

Their response did not address my real concern and I am not giving them my cc number for them to trace an item they might not even find . Seriously, if Metal Rock is sitting in a warehouse somewhere, it needs to be in a CCO for purchasing. 5 years later???

I hope your response is a better answer.

I don't think you would find a Metal Rock in a GBNF search. I don't even think they would conduct the search if you called GBNF. But anyway, MAC could be doing so much better. I don't want to get into a rant about it because it's a digression and inevitably there will be someone who disagrees and points to shades like Sunny By Nature that they can't pull off, etc. etc. This year hasn't been as bad as last year for example. There have been plenty of MB that are WOC friendly. And Marine Life is obviously WOC friendly. Anyway...

Soul Unique

Well-known member
Ladies, definitely get *Go For It* its a great colour, not to mention a nice finish too, you can also add a lil sparkle with *Chillin'* on top.

RE Stereo Rose: It just didn't work for me


Well-known member
So yesterday I bought:

Stereo Rose
I Like it Like That
Band of Roses

Band of Roses is goooooorgeous!! A must have for WOC! Check my blog post for swatches.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sss215

I did not like their response. I don't think they have a way to follow "nationwide purchasing patterns" because if you purchase MAC from a counter, the database is linked to the store and not the MAC database. ALSO, how do they know if a NW45/47 is buying a lipstick. Again, that is a MAC store function.

I do think they didn't respond very well to you, and definitely agree there should be a better range of colours. But just thought I'd point out that they probably do have ways to measure purchasing patterns all the same - some retailers either sell or share their scan data, and MAC can also use ex-factory sales data (i.e. they know how much of certain products are being re-ordered and sent out from their warehouse - this applies to non-LE items only though). And lots of cosmetic companies also conduct consumer research as well.

I do think it sucks that they end up discontinuing products like this, but as I work on a personal care brand and am involved in product discontinuations myself, I can tell you that there's always constant pressure to delete the lowest-selling products to make way for new product launches, regardless of what the product is or who it's for


Well-known member
I just saw the collecction yesterday and reserved:

Stereo Rose MSF
Togetherness MES
Go for It l/s
Band of Roses MB

The one that I am most excited for is Band of Roses. It really is a beautiful color and very, very pigmented! The texture is smooth and although it has a "shimmery" side, there's no glittery mess...just a nice sheen. I agree with the previous post, it's a MUST for WOC.

Go For It is nice too, but I wont go as crazy as I went for Lavender Whip...hopefully :0) I'll B2M for it

I'm really liking the texture of the new MES, very smooth. Not all of them showed up really well on me though.


Active member
Ok. MAC is not right. I want this collection and a whole lotta stuff from the other collections (Alice/Olivia n Dare to Wear). Ok so from this collection I want Stero Rose, Comfort, Band of Roses, I lke it like that, Go for it, Jazzed, and Chillin. Whoo wee, n I hope I don't swatch anything else and like it. Lol. Oh yeah maybe By Candlelight.


Well-known member
I plan on getting:

Stereo Rose MSF
Petticoat MSF
Comfort MSF
By Candlelight MSF
Chillin c/g
Go for it l/s
I like it like that l/s
Band of Roses blush

I didn't even want this much stuff until I saw swatches of everything. Hopefully nothing else with tempt me. :)


Well-known member
It's been almost impossible for me to make a list for this collection. For now I want By Candlelight and Stereo Rose. I am sure this list will change once I am face to face with this collection.


Well-known member
I purchased Stereo Rose, By Candlelight, Love to Love mes and You've Got it, cremesheen.

I do believe that You've got it is the cremesheen version of Sapilicious. I wonder about the color pay-off but I think over nude lips will give it a oomph, at least I hope. I want it to be better than BoyBait, which didn't work for me at all, too milky or something.


Well-known member
so In The Groove went up on the website overnight/early morning and by 9am Stereo Rose was already sold out. i encourage anyone who's looking for this MSF to contact your MAC counters/freestanding stores and ask if they'll reserve one for you.

it looks like my list for this collection will be:
stereo rose msf
go for it l/s
chillin l/g

i might get call my bluff l/s and you've got it l/g, but i'll have to swatch it in store to see how it looks w/ my skintone


Well-known member
Yup, Stereo Rose is sold out on the US site. I have to admit, this is kind of taking the fun out of anticipating something. I'll try to get one at a counter...is this a new norm things selling out on the website in hours? I don't remember this happening so much before but seems like it has a lot lately (Shell Beauty Powder, Marine Life, this).

Maybe I usually like the less popular items. If anyone managed to snag one I'd love to know how it wears/looks...I'm an NC43


Well-known member
Hey ladies! SR is available on nordstrom.com

Just ordered one to pick up in store, hopefully later today.

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