I ended up with:
Seasoned Plum PLC - A must for me. Looked too good.
Vintage Grape - This was serious business. It looks amazing.
Aurora pigment - Needed this for the kit. My strippers and brides love pretty taupey nudey colors.
Endless Night + Hyperion polishes - A must for me. I dig colors like this. Endless Night especially. It's really purty.
And last and kinda least... the Interior Life quad, which I have to say I don't hate. I don't love it. But I don't hate it. If you work it right you get a soft Bobbi Brown type look, which I think is good change for me since I tend to grab the most retarded colors. Perfect for working at MAC, not perfect to go have breakfast with my mother. Individually I probably would never pull these type of colors for myself.
I kinda slept on the Creamsheens. Now I kinda want them and they're going if not gone already. In fact the closer I get to getting everything I want, the more I want the other stuff. Fudge...