WOC: MAC To The Beach


Well-known member
i'm gonna just swatch everything in person before i say i wont buy anything and end up buying eveyrthing. i do have many of the permanent items they're repromoting, so i know i wont be buying those, but as for the other stuff...i just might.


Well-known member
^^ haha i like the way you said it
haha buy EVERYTHING! OOOH HAHAH I wish i could swatch it before i get it, but it only gets released in Aus in June & by that time marine life would be goneeee in the US! So i shall just orderrr!


Well-known member
I am so confused about this collection...seriously i have to see it in person now. I thought I had a list all together and then I started hearing mixed reviews about Hipness and people saying Weekend bronzer was amazing for my skintone and now im just all messed up! So...my list is deleted, no decision until i swatch.


Well-known member
I've narrowed my list down (as I don't have a choice, I'm pretty much broke) to Thrills (want this sooo bad), Marine Life (also wanting this bad), Sweet & Punchy and possibly Beachbound.

I'm excited


This collection is almost a skip for me. I want the 131 brush. I am still on the fence with Marine Life. It is pretty, but I have (and love) Instant Chic.


Well-known member
I want:
Thrills lipstick
Funbathing lipstick
Flurry of Fun lipglass
Sweet & Punchy
Marine Life
Get Away Bronze blush
Weekend Creme Blush
Refined Golden bronzer
Maybe a second #130 brush

I thought I needed the darker creme bronzer but you guys now have me considering the lighter one as well. I already have hipness and Rosemary & Thyme eye pencil. I love Rosemary and Thyme and have repurchased it many times. I want Humid but I may wait for that one.


Well-known member
I'm interested in thrills lipstick and hipness blush. Speaking of Hipness, is it great on NC50 skin? I already have joyous and I love it! is hipness close?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by QueenOfSnark
I definitely think Beach Bronze is the prettier of the two creme bronzers, but it's quite sheer.

-Creme Bronzers: Both (Weekend, Beach Bronze)

Queenofsnark!!! Oh nooo I want both bronzers now!
This is baddd! really baddd! hahas
& since i'm gonna be ordering it online before swatching it (MAC is aus way too pricey
) I really need to decide! HAHA I know you've say Beach Bronze!


Well-known member
Re: the bronzers....I spent time at the store swatching them and looking at them under the various lights.

First thing: these are not bronzers for anyone who is a WOC. They are bronzers for fair-skinned girls, but they are more glow/highlight/summer sheen products, and Weeekend works as a blush/highlight mainly, because on darker skin it has a "pink bronze" tone to it. Des[ite how dark it looks compared to beach bronze, it is not dark enough for bronzing, and it is the wrong shade for contouring. I bought Beach Bronze for myself as the highligher for the girl who hates MSFs and their chunky glitter. In fact, I can't stand powder highlight products, so this was a beautiful, fine, smooth, refined highlighter for me. I put it on my collarbone on Saturday evening too for a nice subtle sheen.

I think that Weekend was nice too....just BB looked way prettier. I was concerned that Weekend would actually look muddy on me if I didn't get the application right (because it's not dark enough to be a bronzer, but the potential for muddiness when it is built up put me off). Plus I have a few similar highlight colours and blushes, so Weekend wasnt that unique in the end.

Beach Bronze is sheerer, but the glow is so pretty. It's what I wanted every highlight product to look like on me...subtle, sexy, glow-y....barely there and so refined it looks like it's coming from within....when the sun hits on it....I just love it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JustDivine
Re: the bronzers....I spent time at the store swatching them and looking at them under the various lights.

First thing: these are not bronzers for anyone who is a WOC. They are bronzers for fair-skinned girls, but they are more glow/highlight/summer sheen products, and Weeekend works as a blush/highlight mainly, because on darker skin it has a "pink bronze" tone to it. Des[ite how dark it looks compared to beach bronze, it is not dark enough for bronzing, and it is the wrong shade for contouring. I bought Beach Bronze for myself as the highligher for the girl who hates MSFs and their chunky glitter. In fact, I can't stand powder highlight products, so this was a beautiful, fine, smooth, refined highlighter for me. I put it on my collarbone on Saturday evening too for a nice subtle sheen.

I think that Weekend was nice too....just BB looked way prettier. I was concerned that Weekend would actually look muddy on me if I didn't get the application right (because it's not dark enough to be a bronzer, but the potential for muddiness when it is built up put me off). Plus I have a few similar highlight colours and blushes, so Weekend wasnt that unique in the end.

Beach Bronze is sheerer, but the glow is so pretty. It's what I wanted every highlight product to look like on me...subtle, sexy, glow-y....barely there and so refined it looks like it's coming from within....when the sun hits on it....I just love it!

Thank you so much for the run down hun!
I just want everything! hahas esp since I won't be able to swatch them. I'm really gonna follow my gut (& what you guys have to say). There are like 3 people who told me to get BB, so i guess i will!
I'm gonna skip weekend!
& well if i really fall in love with it when it comes to Aus, I can always get it
(if i could justify paying so much!) I can't wait!!!


Well-known member
Now that I think on it, I'll probably skip Weekend too. Since it's suggested to be used as a blush for us WOC, I think it'd be easily dupable.


Well-known member
I'm really not wanting much from this collection. The more I see swatches the less excited I get. I was thinking the marine life, the bronze blush and thrills. I'll have to swatch them tonight and see. Hopefully I won't like much I need to save for vacation and the family needs summer clothes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JustDivine
Re: the bronzers....I spent time at the store swatching them and looking at them under the various lights.

First thing: these are not bronzers for anyone who is a WOC. They are bronzers for fair-skinned girls, but they are more glow/highlight/summer sheen products, and Weeekend works as a blush/highlight mainly, because on darker skin it has a "pink bronze" tone to it. Des[ite how dark it looks compared to beach bronze, it is not dark enough for bronzing, and it is the wrong shade for contouring. I bought Beach Bronze for myself as the highligher for the girl who hates MSFs and their chunky glitter. In fact, I can't stand powder highlight products, so this was a beautiful, fine, smooth, refined highlighter for me. I put it on my collarbone on Saturday evening too for a nice subtle sheen.

I think that Weekend was nice too....just BB looked way prettier. I was concerned that Weekend would actually look muddy on me if I didn't get the application right (because it's not dark enough to be a bronzer, but the potential for muddiness when it is built up put me off). Plus I have a few similar highlight colours and blushes, so Weekend wasnt that unique in the end.

Beach Bronze is sheerer, but the glow is so pretty. It's what I wanted every highlight product to look like on me...subtle, sexy, glow-y....barely there and so refined it looks like it's coming from within....when the sun hits on it....I just love it!

Thanks for the info on the bronzer. I'm off to the party now. I will check out the Beach Bronze.


Well-known member
I went to the preview tonight and decided to use self control. I bought: marine life highlight powder which is beautiful and very pigmented
funbathing lipstick
weekend cream bronzer
get-away bronze blush

I will probablly go back for thrills lipstick and float on by eye kohl


Well-known member
I purchased at the unveiling party:

Marine Life highlight powder
Hipness blush
Fun Bathing, Thrills and Lazy Day lipsticks
Sweet & Punchy, Firecracker and Sand & Sun eye shadows
Splashing lipglass
Life's A Breeze lip pencil
Weekend cream bronzer
131 brush - but the lady forgot to put on my bag, so I'll have to come back tomorrow to get it.


Well-known member
I went to the unveiling party last night and totally blew my budget.

I made off with:

2 Marine Life High Light Powders
1 Thrills Lipstick
1 Easy Lounger Lip Glass
1 Sweet & Punchy E/S
1 Fire Cracker E/S

and also:

A new e/s pallet
and an Arena shadow.

I love my haul and am glad I got two of the Marine life powders.

The powder is lovely and looks stunning on my NC45/NC50 skin.

I was on the fence with the Thrills but once I put the gloss on top of it - wow!

I'm going to work it with either cork or mahogany lip pencil.

I skipped Fun Bathing lip stick because it reminds me so much of "O" and I am working that one right now.

I swatched Hipness blush but passed for now. I might mosey back next week to check it out again.

The preview party was mobbed and it looks as if MAC was making dineros hand over fist! I'm glad I got there early because the Marine Life powder sold out before 8:00 pm and everything else was going pretty fast.

I suppose the MAC store will have to re-stock before next Thursday!!


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