WOC: MAC To The Beach


Well-known member
I just left my counter and I am thoroughly disappointed in this collection (and I'd been looking forward to it since I first heard it was coming out). I left with the bronzing oil and that was it. Going in, I thought for sure that I'd get the bronzing oil, Firecracker e/s, and maybe one of the lipsticks and a gloss. Firecracker was probably the most disappointing thing of all to me once I swatched it. I'm glad I have the coral p/p already and, when I mentioned that, the MUA tried to convince me that I could get Firecracker and use it over the p/p. Nope, no sale. Although Float on By is a nice color, nothing compares to the UD 24/7 eyepencils, IMO. They have a couple of colors similar to Float on By, as others have mentioned, and they don't smudge on me at all.

I wonder when MAC is going to "float my boat" once again? They haven't in quite a while. And I'd like to see a woman of color in a campaign promo pic again soon.


Well-known member
Hey lovelies! I just wanted to do a bit on enabling...lol

So...Out of everything I got from this collection I will be the one to say of you plan of being at the beach or pool or you want to look glowy this summer GET THE BRONZING OIL!!! I LOVE this stuff. It gives me the MOST beautiful glow (NC50). i'll put up swatches of everything I bought. That is all


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ICandi
Hey lovelies! I just wanted to do a bit on enabling...lol

So...Out of everything I got from this collection I will be the one to say of you plan of being at the beach or pool or you want to look glowy this summer GET THE BRONZING OIL!!! I LOVE this stuff. It gives me the MOST beautiful glow (NC50). i'll put up swatches of everything I bought. That is all

you are right, it is pretty. and not orange-y


Well-known member
I hauled

Marine Life
Flurry of Fun
Sweet and Punchy
Lazy Day

Havent had a chance to try all of them but so far I've sampled Flurry of Fun and by itself its clear with teal glitter. My plan for this gloss is to wear it over Lollipop Loving, so I'm not disappointed at this point.


Well-known member
When ML sells out at counters and stores, are they removing it from the display, or putting a sold out sticker on it. To me its the stand out product in the collection and makes the display, kwim?

Also, does anyone have MUFE HD Blush in #8, PDA. Could that dupe for the darker side of Marine Life?


Well-known member
I'm thinking maybe I should have bought Get Away Bronze. Anybody bought it and happy with it?
I am definitely happy with my Marine Life. I even like the overspray i think it's gorgeous combined with 2 other colors.
I am glad I could get hold on ML. I missed out on Ripe Peach and it was painful!

My life is not complete without one...Did i read somebody's selling RP? LOL


Well-known member
What a romping time I had today.

I took the day off so I could go to my local free standing MAC store and pick up my Marine Life powders. I called yesterday morning and was able to get 2 put aside for me. I got another for myself and a backup for my sister. That store got only 9 powders.

During the time I was there about 10 or 15 women came in looking for ML. I got to the store early, around 10:30 am EST and there was no one there. As a matter of fact, I was the first customer of the day.

By the time I left about an hour and a half later the place was jumping! Ladies were rolling in to pick up or purchase their TTB goodies and they were doing some serious hauling!

The shadows, lip stuff and bronzing stuff was extremely popular.

A tip, if you are looking for ML powder, call your local MAC store or dept. store that carries MAC tomorrow morning. From what I understand, they can only hold items for 24 hours before they put them back in stock.

Thus if someone didn't pick their stuff up, you might luck out.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by DILLIGAF
The mall I like to frequent has 4 MAC counters and free MAC standing store. Almost all of them were out of Marine Life except for Macy's and they only had 4. I bought one, the girl behind me bought one. I'm sure by now they are sold out too. Once the glitter is off it's a nice coral blush. I'm glad I got my hands on it. Especially since I passed on Ripe Peach. The pigementation on Marine Life is much better than RP IMHO. Along with that I got Firecracker e/s. Float on By e/l was dupeable for me. I'm sure I have it's twin between bunches of pencils I have here.

I completely agree, Ripe Peach hardly showed up on me so I swapped it.


Well-known member
To the ladies who bought the bronzing oil...does it give the same effect as if I were to dust Gold Deposit MSF over my body? That is what I usually do when I am going out to the beach or something like that and want a glow and is just about the only thing I use that MSF for. I'm trying to justify the purchase, lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Notorious19
To the ladies who bought the bronzing oil...does it give the same effect as if I were to dust Gold Deposit MSF over my body? That is what I usually do when I am going out to the beach or something like that and want a glow and is just about the only thing I use that MSF for. I'm trying to justify the purchase, lol.

I don't know what gold deposit MSF looks like BUT the bronzing oil makes you look so glowy and sun kissed that it isn't even funny. I say this is a must have...


Well-known member
For reference I think I am NW45ish ( I dont wear foundation but thats what I think they matched me as). I called my MAC store at 10am and asked them to hold ML for me....by the time I got there to pick it up they had a sold out sticker on the display! I absolutely looooove it! I think any WOC who likes the Optimistic Orange, Ripe Peach, Taj Mahal and MUFE #12 Apricot Blush needs this because it definately fits in that family of colored cheeks...It is definately pigmented. I almost used too much!! I like that it has a blush color and then a highlight color all in one pan. I also got the Flurry of Fun lipglass. I have a feeling that a lot of people will sleep on this one. It has that same reflects that we all loved from Electric Fuschia but in a sheer orange base- making it a perfect topping to pep up your nudes and nudey pink lipsticks. I passed on the eyeshadows since they I had humid, shimmermoss, rated r and that pinky coral from the sugar sweet collection. After reading all the reviews I might have to go back and get the bronzing oil though..


Well-known member
picked up easy lounger l/g- i feel i've been waiting for this gloss for a long time. wearing it now over plink l/s and burgundy l/l but it is perfect alone.

ditto on the bronzing oil- it's good stuff and i can see it working for someone who can mix it with foundation as well.


Well-known member
*sigh* Dang it...I might end up back at the counter today for that bronzing oil lol! And since i live in florida and it's beach weather basically year round, I would definitely use it all up. Might have to find a new use for my Gold Deposit MSF...


Well-known member
i'm going to MAC today before work, not with high expectations that i am going to get anything, but just to see whats what. hopefully i come back with some beach stuff!


Well-known member
Okay, so another question before I end up caving on the bronzing oil...can I get the same effect from using lustre drops? I have Bronze Hero from Style Warriors that I picked up from the CCO


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Notorious19
Okay, so another question before I end up caving on the bronzing oil...can I get the same effect from using lustre drops? I have Bronze Hero from Style Warriors that I picked up from the CCO

it may be worth swatching side by side, so perhaps take in your bronze hero when you go to the store. the MUA agreed with me when i said it reminded me of comfort msf- i don't own bronze hero so i am not sure if the two are similar but that was the closest dupe we could think of as far as overall color is concerned.


Well-known member
Okay so I'm going to pass on the bronzing oil, I get the same effect fromGold Deposit MSF. However, I've now fallen in love with Funbathing topped with FOF. I'm going to exchange Temperature Rising for that lippie.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VAQTPIE
Does anyone that has purchased Temperature Rising lip liner mind sharing how they plan to wear it? I'm intrigued by the color...I'm just not sure what I'm going to do with it exactly.

I've worn it with Thrills, my lips (pigmented) fully lined. It certainly popped out the orange in Thrills without looking too costruction-cone orange.

However, when I put Kumquat l/g on top of both--VERY orange, like I painted a carrot on my mouth. Definitely orange overkill!

Gonna try it next with Fresh Salmon and see how it goes.

NC45 for reference.


Well-known member
I want everything from this collection!!! But of course I am a summer/tropics girl, so this is absolutely my speed!!!! But of course I can't have everything I want, so so far I only got Marine Life and Firecracker. I don't normally wear oranges/corals/peaches (so foolish of me!!!) I missed out on HHH, so Firecracker is a must, and I like the fact that ML is like 3 blushes in one!! I want to get Hipness as well, the MUA applied it to my face and it is bright and gorgeous!!!! On the fence about Scorcher n/l and the avocado n/l is really nice. I have Rated R and Humid and Shimmermoss is perm. I am also on the fence about the cream bronzer and the darker of the two powder bronzers. I like the lustre drops and really like the bronzing oil. I really love this collection!!!

I'm NW45 for reference.

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