Originally Posted by Nepenthe
Initially I told myself nothing.. and then I saw the product images.
This is the current wishlist until I can see them in person and get to swatching..
Photo Realism, In The Gallery, Notoriety
Notable (maybe not since I just picked up House Wine)
Eye Shadow
Crest The Wave, Off The Page, Violet Trance, Purple Shower
Technakohl Liner
Full Of Fuschia, Artistic License, Obviously Orange, Colour Matters
Brash & Bold, Push The Edge
I was at the counter today and while I think the collection is stunning, I did less damage than I initially thought I would.
I only picked up one quad; Photo Realism because the colours are unique to my collection. I'm still on the fence with In The Gallery, while it is very pretty I think it's definitely a quad that needs a lot of coaxing on darker skin tones. Notoriety is very nice, work safe, neutral safe.. but not pretty enough to shell out for.
Passed on Notable blush because it is very similar to House Wine (pro).
Haunting, Purple Shower and Violet Trance were the only eye shadows I bought, Crest the Wave reminded me more of Soft Force (highlight) than Bright Future. Off The Page reminds me of Fab & Flashy, which I have.. pondering picking it up just to have as a psuedo backup. The other pink reminded me of Sushi Flower, which I have and use rarely.
I did end up with all the LE liners, because they're all beautiful. The one that surprised me most was Obviously Orange, which is more of a coral-orange.. it's gorgeous. If I can make these work, they definitely have the potential for backup'ery.
Pigment wise I ended up with what I thought I would (Brash & Bold, Push The Edge), plus I picked up a sample of Reflects Rust (stunning colour!) and Fuchsia. The glitters are so nice, but I'm at a loss of how to use them regularly.