I've never had any of that going for me and I always had healthy hair. Maybe youth was on my side with a splash of decent genes. We'll see what happens as I turn into an old bag. :lol: Anyway, I love the Cantu Shea Butter oil sheen, so I tried their pomade which is supposed to hold hair in place, your edges and all that. Man, it did a whole lot of nothing. Sucks so bad. I've gone back to the Argan Oil. I didn't find the Aveda edge control when I went out and online searches are giving me a price to $20+. No way, man. Also, Cantu has a daily moisturizer that is so heavy. I mean, it does it's job b/c my hair felt moisturized, but I would really only use it after washing. I'll stick to my Pantene. Much, much lighter for everyday use.