WOC, what is your favourite nude lipstick or lipgloss?


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NARS Honolulu Honey just popped up on my list! I like to wear it with NYX Mega Lipshine in Beige or Smokey Look.


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For a nude brown i wear touch and for a nude pink i wear velvet teddy. I heard a girl mention kraft so i might have to pick that up so i can give it a try


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Lately, I've been wearing Viva Glam 5 lipstick with the Viva Glam 5 lipglass on top and lightly lined with BBQ lip pencil. Then, the other day by accident, I picked up Viva Glam 6 and put Viva Glam 5 lipglass on top... again lined with BBQ lip pencil. LOVED IT!! A great brownie/pink nude combo...


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Chanel Extrait de Gloss in Insouciance is my absolute favorite nude gloss. The verdict is still out on a lipstick.


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I'm NW 45 to 50 depending on the foundation.

For a nude lip, I either start with a concealer, then blot and apply my lipstick/lipgloss.

Or better yet, I like to line or fill my lips with cork (or chestnut for a deep chocolate look), then apply any brown shades I wish.

I'm not giving specific names of lipsticks/lipglosses I use because I don't have any faves really. My "nude" changes depending on what I want it to look like. Because I'm a deep chocolate color, "nude" for me is really a dark brown, but sometimes I may want that fleshy, beige shade for a traditional nude lip. I've used every color of lipglass from Jazzed Cremesheen (light pale orange) to Shock-o-late lipglass (dark brown), it just depends on the kind of "nude" I'm going for.

So, I find the key to the best "nude" lips for me is heavily reliant on the lipliner (or concealer) first. I know how to use lipliner to my advantage so now, I can use many of the shades I used to think were "ashy" before and still get a beautiful effect.

(Side, yesterday, I filled my lips with Chestnut liner and used a touch of Beaux lipglass on top... it was *the* sexiest chocolate lip I've ever had. Totally loved it and can't wait to wear it again.)


Well-known member
I've been looking at clinique lipsticks because one of my friends has her favorite nude from them she is a nw47 and she wears delovely but im an nw48 and my new go to nude is chocolate ice.. it is by far one of my favorite lipsticks ever!!!


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Right now, I fill in my lip with MAC's Cork liner, then put on Viva Glam Gaga 2. It's actually perfection.

I also like MAC's Hot Spell lipglass overtop of Cork liner for a glossier nude look.


Well-known member
Have yet to find my HG nude, but currently I'm liking MAC Touch (a hair too brown) and Chanel Nude ( a bit too orange). If I could find a lipstick equivalent of MAC Revealing lipglass (which is now DC'd) that'd be AWESOME.


Well-known member
found one yesterday and I have worn it all day yesterday and today. Cover girl lip perfection is Rush(270) it is has the lightest hint of pink to it. I dab it on my lips slightly then I go over it with loreal hip lip gloss in tempting. But I line it softly with a brown lip liner. Its sooo pretty and I am NW55.


Well-known member
I picked up Spirit lipstick yesterday. I like it. It's a my lips but better sort of color on me. No liner, no gloss, nada.

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