WOC with makeup Blogs?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
I'm only NW30/NW35 but follow two blogs on here despite not posting out of being too shy. XD

There's a member on here aziajs who has a blog that taught me how to brow shape....I get threaded but really needed the help to add definition.....anyways, I love her. She doesn't know I check her Twitter either and got an eyeful of Jamie Foxx yesterday but wow, he's very ummm attractive.
She never knew until now and she's just really laid back which I look for.

Faces from Aziajs

The other person is a member here named Vixxan who is an NC50 but I love how blunt she is with her reviews and her MAC collection section is a godsend....whenever I have something pop in my head, I check her scrolling thread and it makes it so much easier for me. Whenever it shows up that Pikesville, Maryland hit your live feed; that would be me but once again, too shy to get involved despite my personality on here. XD

The Glam Shack

If this was for self promotion, I'm sorry. Just wanted to add the two I follow the most and give them recognition.

thmochagirl, if you still need help adding text to the photos, I'm pretty quick with computers and have no problem helping someone out. I love photo programs, takes half the work out.

Thanks Princess I really appreciate your support.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
I follow yours but have no clue which range constitutes WOC...that's how I knew about your anniversary pics the other day on the book blog. I am clueless myself if I'm a WOC because I'm in the medium range....afraid of the consequences. XD

See, in the description on Specktra its says WOC includes middle easterners. But then middle easterners can look completely white, case in point my mom.

Anyway, i started posting here coz i'm middle eastern and I have medium skin tone, kinda like you. But then I noticed 90% of ppl that post in the WOC are NC40 or darker, so I felt kinda out of place here :/ There are many girls on specktra around our skin tones but I never see them posting on here. Also, I decided because I have medium skin tone, most colours look good on me anyway, so I don't really need my own section for colour advice, you know what I mean?
that's why I hardly come here now...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
I just get scared of stepping toes and with my mix, it's hard to explain it right to people why I fluctuate between a 30 and a 35. Late spring and summer I'm a little darker but my norm is 30 and it's a headache to find people who have recommendations when I'm not the norm. There's some colors I can't touch for my life and others I'm just like god, if I was lighter it would be easier. Freaking matching foundation is the worst....it's like I'm slowly dying each brand I have to try. I miss the days MAC worked for me but I'm too sensitive now....god, those were the glory days. XD

Vixxan, I thought you would be mad I followed it but thanks for letting the past be the past. Seriously, it's been like a month I followed it after seeing your upright storage containers. You do shop a lot though and have me beat....you've beaten me to quite a few sellers on the sales thread but I know they're safe because you wouldn't buy fake.

I'm working on that shopping thing (i'm lying). I'm really going to stop shopping soon.

For me it became the past the minute that thread was closed.


Well-known member
MrsPackman44 from youtube has an awesome blog... its called shades of sabrena (i dont know if i can post a link, but add the "at blogspot dot com


Well-known member
I got one too!!!! Check it out. A few random bits a bobs but pop on over. It's in my signature.


Well-known member
I've been reading your blog for some time and love it, found it when I was searching for Sleek swatches.

Originally Posted by nongoma
I got one too!!!! Check it out. A few random bits a bobs but pop on over. It's in my signature.


Well-known member
Check out mine as well...details in the signature below. Let me know what you think? I love reading comments from folks


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
I've got one. It's in my signature.

@ aziajs

u are sooooo super talented. those face charts are off the hook! how do u do that?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by machonesty
@ aziajs

u are sooooo super talented. those face charts are off the hook! how do u do that?

Thank you very much! I'm glad you like the face charts. They can be a pain but once they are finished I am always so happy with them. I use a picture of myself that I made into a sketch using a program like photoshop. Then for the makeup I actually apply it to the picture just as I would my face.