lilpumpkinpie (how did i not know about her?!)
scandalousbeauty (so informative)
and i like myself, erikosan84
Originally Posted by elektra513 Whoa, really? I am a huge fan of your channel.
Didn't realize you're on Specktra. That's great.
I'm most certainly NOT Josh! People were asking for suggestions and I hadn't heard him as one of those suggestions yet---would be awful to leave that guy out! ROFL
Originally Posted by Goat Goat Etc. I'm most certainly NOT Josh! People were asking for suggestions and I hadn't heard him as one of those suggestions yet---would be awful to leave that guy out! ROFL
LMAO. Sorry, I read wayyy into that one. Blame my long day at work.
Originally Posted by Snootus0722 The accidental beauty
Ceebreezey(Good reviews)
ThePSNation(tutorials and reviews)another dude of color, he's got the best skin!
I LOVE ThePSNation! Discovered him a couple of months ago. I love his honesty, he's hilarious and fabulous.
I would also love some suggestions on what things you would like to see another women of color feature as videos on youtube. I do not want to do the same ol makeup things, I want to keep it fresh and interesting. so please provide me with suggestions or ideas of looks, techniques, tips and tricks that you would love to see from a fellow WOC when it comes to beauty and makeup.