woo eyelinerrrr


Well-known member
so pretty much im really bad when it comes to eyeliner, but the other night it actually turned out nice looking!

haha iwas so mad because the one time i do it right its like, right when im going to bed
but yeah let me know what you think!

oh & btw if anyone struggles with eyeliner like liquid or anykind at all, try the flat one i forget the name but its practically foolproof.




Well-known member
looks good to me, I usually use the eyeliner pen for the liquid kind otherwise I can never get it straight. What did you use?


Well-known member
i use styli-styles flat eye penicl
i bought it at ulta but you could probably get it at walgreens or something too. Its a pretty cool eyeliner! i use it alot. It also works for lining my waterline

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