Working at Macy's


Active member
I recently applied for a position as a Beauty Advisor for Macy's in NYC (Herald Square)

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the interview process is going to be like. I have been told that it will be a group interview and last for maybe 30-45 minutes.

Also does anyone know what the pay will be like.

I have been unemployed for the past 3 months and I am itching to get back to work. At this point I keep saying I will take anything, LOL But I am curious as to what the pay will be.



Well-known member
Ah, Hearld Square...that store always scares me. When I first applied at Macy's (not Herald Square) the group interview was kind of a joke....there were about 15 people sitting around a table. I was the only one that was applying for anything to do with cosmetics. Since we applied online, they had us all fill out paper applications & watch a Macy's training (brainwashing) video. After that, they interviewed everyone one by one & then it was over. I got a really bad vibe from the whole experience, like, I was the only one dressed professionally, brought a pen, stuff like that...and I didn't even get a call back for a second interview.
From what I understand, Herald Square hires just about everyone, so you probably have a better shot than I did. Hopefully your experience will be better than mine. Good luck.


Active member
Thanks MisStarrlight, my sister worked there years ago during Christmas. But she chooses not to remember that time in her life, LOL

The store scares me too. I'm assuming that they assign a counter to you. Do you know if you can have a preference? I of course want to work for MAC, not just because it is a cool counter but because I KNOW MAC. I use MAC and would feel more comfortable selling a brand that I would buy myself.

I don't know if it is good or bad that Herald Square hires anyone (no offense to anyone who works there) I have shopped there and I can't tell you how many times I have gone to different counters, different floors and have known more than those working.

Thanks for letting me know what to expect during the "group interview". I did apply online. And Thanks for the luck...I'll need it considering holiday season is coming up.


I work for Macy's at the Benefit counter. Macy's will hire anybody, especially with holiday hire beginning, so I would just start by getting hired by the store,work in a miscellaneous department for awhile then apply for the counter you want once it becomes available. That is what I did. They like transfers.

As for pay, I was hired to the store at $10.00 an hour and my pay hasn't changed since I have moved to Benefit. Cosmetics gets 2.77% of every item you sell and our raises are on merit. In our store cosmetics top out at $15.00 an hour. So really, Macy's sucks if you want to make good money. I feel I am underpaid.

I hope that answers some of your questions.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hennys
As for pay, I was hired to the store at $10.00 an hour and my pay hasn't changed since I have moved to Benefit. Cosmetics gets 2.77% of every item you sell and our raises are on merit. In our store cosmetics top out at $15.00 an hour. So really, Macy's sucks if you want to make good money. I feel I am underpaid.

I hope that answers some of your questions.

You are underpaid, woman. Ask for a raise or get the heck outta dodge!


New member
I just got an email about interview with Macy's in Cambridge. What counters are best to request?

Top four, Clinique, Lancome, Estee Lauder & MAC. I have worked for Clinique at to different department stores, I had a wonderful experience at both. Clinique is a stellar company and takes care of it's people no matter what, or where.