I can't speak to what the trail interview is supposed to be like as I was hired internally from an on-call position in my Macy's cosmetics dept, and our interview process was a little different. As for what management looks for it's really, well, YOU to be completely honest. Benefit is all about having fun and they want you to be able to make. your clients feel like they just left a really great party after they visited the counter. With that said, other than having a great personality they are looking for strong sellers with good motivation, attention to goals as there a LOT of them and team players!! Factor your experience level, location, and store type ie, Macy's, Nordstrom when calculating hourly pay. If you feel like you are getting low-balled, and believe me, certain dept stores have a reputation for doing that, be firm about what you want and need..you would be surprised at what that can get you.