I'm new here, I was just browsing the net looking for useful info about working at Sephora and interviewing for them, and there have been soo many helpful posts in this thread! Thank you to everyone!
I'm hoping to get hired by Sephora soon...I work in the mall the store is in already, I spend most of my breaks there, and I know a few of the employees, and I'm hoping they'll put in a good word for me! I went in to meet the managers personally before my interview, and they seemed to like me. I've gone through the first interview, which seemed to cover anything/everything any other retail job interview would cover. It was a group interview, which was sort of a drag. I felt really, really good about it though! I sat close to the interviewer and answered last, so not only did I get to think about my answers for the longest, but I was able to take bits and pieces from other peoples' answers and incorporate them into mine
so that helped... PLUS, I got to make the last impression each time. Afterwards, I pretended I was looking for something in my purse so that I could stay after and thank the interviewer personally. Today, I talked to a girl that works in the store, and she said a manager said she's really impressed with someone, so I'm just reeeeeeally hoping it's me! There are six positions available, so I feel like a good chance, but I still want to make sure I feel well prepared for anything... A couple people have already, but can anyone please elaborate on their second interview? Any advice is VERY much appreciated!! I'm really not sure what to expect since the first interview seemed to cover so much.