Hello everyone! I'm actually brand new to this site. I've been reading through this thread though because I was offered a position at a Sephora inside JCP last week and am just waiting for my background check(then I can start, yay!)
Anyways, I figured I could tell you quickly my interviewing/hiring experience, maybe it will help someone (as I wish I had read something before I went in). So, I applied online and received a call from Sephora's manager and she did a short phone interview with me asking basic questions; why do I want to work there, past experience, etc. So when I told her that I had worked at Ulta (seasonally) and the Philosophy counter she told me she'd be interested in having me go to group interview. It took a week for her to get a date for the group interview (which was actually on my birthday, but I think the fact that I went anyway scored me brownie points haha). So I got there 20 minutes early and I got to hang out with the manager and another employee until the actual interview started. I think this also helped my chances. Then I went upstairs to meet my "competition". Actually, it was just one other girl who was also interviewing for Sephora. So basically the group interview consisted of us completing a puzzle in the back room to show how we can work together as a team, and to "show our personality". After that was over the manager took us back to the floor and wanted us to take turns selling products to the manager. Honestly, I think this was the most crucial part of the interview. Up until this point the girl I had been "competing" with had pretty much out shined me (she had a very over the top personality). But at the end of the day I think the most important component is the ability to sell product. And luckily, because I'm a loyal customer/Urban Decay addict lol I apparently did really well at this part. Then it was over. It took about 3 days for them to call after the interview to offer me the job. Anyways the main point of all this is to be on time or early if you can swing it, be super friendly and look everyone in the eye, also shake hands with everyone you come in contact with and be eager when/if you have to "pretend" to sell a product.
I hope this helped someone! If you guys have any other questions feel free to ask