world cup anyone?


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I watched part of the US/Italy game. I TiVoed it and I LOVE Soccer, errr football. That was an awesome game. I still need to learn the ins and outs and the rules but I will most definitely be watching the US/Ghana game on Thursday.

Go USA! Yeah, I know we don't have much of a chance but I am still hoping.


Well-known member
the portugal and iran game was a little boring it was so slow barely any action ronaldo played horribly i was so disappointed to be honest

but he looked fine hahaha

and just a not my sister and i both agree every single iranian player had awesome skin it wasn't even funny

well i am sooooooooooo pumped for our game against the netherlands

the italy/usa game was horrible the us sucks but man what a pathetic show by italy in all honesty they should've been able to sweep the us but oh well i am glad the us is still in it...anf i agree so many dan cards shown for no real reasons imo anyway


Well-known member
Aight, let me admit this:
I don't watch the worldcup unless I BET *Muaahahaha*
I c no fun in supporting any grp as my country sucks in playing footie.(But the girls here ARE lovely

Today's the "proper match" I've watched - Saudi Arabia V Ukraine
I supported Ukraine cos,

my BF bet on Ukraine and..............BECOS

Kalinichenko oozes sexiness &

OMG, Shevchenko is SO CUTE! (ok, i'm shallow. 'nuff said.)


Well-known member
Haha, I think majority of us would agree that one reason we watch football is because the players are hot.

Spain did so good yesterday. And can I say Fernando Torres is hot and a good footballer

Today is England vs. Sweden and I am praying that Rooney will actually be playing today .


Well-known member
i've been watching since the start.... since I'm not working now I have the chance to watch each game... only today there are 4 games but 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon at the same time... i'm watching the germy. ecu game now


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urgh everyone says cristiano ronaldo is hot am i the only one who strongly disagrees? hate him with a absolute passion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by as_cute_as_pie
urgh everyone says cristiano ronaldo is hot am i the only one who strongly disagrees? hate him with a absolute passion

NO!! I don't like him either. Little rat faced man!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vicky88
NO!! I don't like him either. Little rat faced man!

hah thank god he seems so awful i fell about laughin when rooney pushed him back was so funny. i watched the end commentary at the end of the match aswell and it showed him sayin somethin to rooney at the start of the match which they assumed was definatley not friendly, would love to know what he said. also weird how he plays for manchester united but hes on a foreign team? a dunno maybe thats just the way i see it its a bit odd i know hes not from england but still. hah i also went on myspace a hour or so after the match and there was a million bullitens about him and how horrible he is

edit to add omg how weak is he lol so funny when they re play and its slowed down and everytime he got a little knock in the arm or something he would fall to the ground writihing around in pain and its like yeah ur ok no one cares lol look everyones playin on hah


Well-known member
I think the english goalie, Paul Robinson, is just sooooo easy on the eyes. And...David Beckham got bumped a little lower on my list after I watched him sick up all over the pitch a couple of games ago. Yeeeuck!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by as_cute_as_pie
also weird how he plays for manchester united but hes on a foreign team? a dunno maybe thats just the way i see it its a bit odd i know hes not from england but still.

i don't get how this is weird beckham plays for the spanish league....most football players from african countries also play in the european leagues....the world cup means you play for your country it is all about playing together and having a good time

and i just love cristiano ronaldo he is so hot hahahaha but yeah i hate all the whining on all teams they play hurt all the time but hey everyone is hoping for a free kick


Well-known member
and on another note i am just soooooo saddened i can't believe we lost i am so depressed damn that klose and his twinkle he is just so good but i was shocked when crespo was pulled from the game and our goal keep what the hell was up with that i am just so sad ....oh argentina how long do i have to wait for a world cup win how long?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I think the english goalie, Paul Robinson, is just sooooo easy on the eyes. And...David Beckham got bumped a little lower on my list after I watched him sick up all over the pitch a couple of games ago. Yeeeuck!

Paul Robinson =


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pushpa
i don't get how this is weird beckham plays for the spanish league....most football players from african countries also play in the european leagues....the world cup means you play for your country it is all about playing together and having a good time

and i just love cristiano ronaldo he is so hot hahahaha but yeah i hate all the whining on all teams they play hurt all the time but hey everyone is hoping for a free kick

argh ive confused myself lol i meant like if you were playing football surely you would want to play for your own team and not feel 'at home' in the team your in, well i would personally feel like that it would be like ive grown up cheerin for whatever country but now i want a different one to win? must feel odd thats all


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vicky88
Paul Robinson =

Cuteness! <3

Rooney has got some serious attitude problem!
However, that stamp was really funnY! lol


Well-known member
I just got done watching the Italy/Germany match. I will admit that I was hoping Germany would win, but man, the Italian team were acting like such babies! There was so much drama going on, it was like I was watching an acting class. It was as if any time a German player got within 5 inches of an Italian player, the Italian would fall to the ground, grab a body part and writhe in "pain".

The saddest part though, was that Paul Robinson
was not playing on either side.


Well-known member
AWWWW c'mon guys i'm an ITALY fan over here!!! The Italy vs. Germany game was amazing!!!! I still can't get over how it ended but both teams played head 2 head and there were many close calls!!! I'm still in shock that Italy won but those two goals in the last 3 minutes were just BEAUTIFUL!!!! I'm glad after all these years Italy finally came out strong because its been a long time since we've seen this!!! I'm really surprised Brazil was eliminated because they usually are always in the finals or win it. Yaaa Italy players always act like babies.....i have to agree on that one LOL but Sunday's game is going to be crazy especially if its Italy vs. Portugal. We all go CRAZY here in Toronto for soccer but the Italians, Portuguese, & Brazilians shut down the streets & go mental if they win!!!! anyways.....GO ITALY GO!!!!!!!

ohhh yaaa and the men!!!! Totti is looking good this year (I never liked him w/long hair) Czech, Switzerland, & Spain had some hotties & of course Beckham is on my list!!!!!


Well-known member
the italt/germ game sucked wow.....italy had so many early opportunities that they never took advantage of it was amazing how much they sucked and yet still beat germ...germ was so pathetic i can't believe they beat arg thast how horrible they played today....and my god why take klose out in all honesty there was what not even 10 mins left the germans did what arg did took out their best player....makes me so mad.....and yes the italians need to stop being such babies so much damn diving i keep yelling 'get the hell up' lol

i hope portugal wins

and that is my rant

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