WORSHIP THE BALLS- A thread for Guerlain meteorites and the women who love them


Well-known member
Are we not going to see the rainbow pearls turn up online? Sorry if the questions been asked before. These would be my first set of meteorites I'm itching to get my hands on these :)


Well-known member
Omg try it
That's so great BC---I'm glad you love them!!! I'm hoping mine arrive soon.


Well-known member
Are we not going to see the rainbow pearls turn up online? Sorry if the questions been asked before. These would be my first set of meteorites I'm itching to get my hands on these
No. Based on what we've been hearing for ore than a month now, they won't be sold in the states.


Well-known member
I picked up the Meteorites Travel Collection at a duty free store on my way back from Europe and when I opened them today they were totally broken. I'm really pissed because they were really expensive about $60 for two mini (broken Clair and a mini brush)



Well-known member
I actually just went on eBay and picked up the Emilio pucci ones. They had it 47.99 and free shipping! They should have one left for sale.


Well-known member
I picked up the Meteorites Travel Collection at a duty free store on my way back from Europe and when I opened them today they were totally broken. I'm really pissed because they were really expensive about $60 for two mini (broken Clair and a mini brush)

I'm so sorry that happened to you!!!!


Well-known member
I picked up the Meteorites Travel Collection at a duty free store on my way back from Europe and when I opened them today they were totally broken. I'm really pissed because they were really expensive about $60 for two mini (broken Clair and a mini brush) :eek:hboy:
That's terrible...was there no little sponge inside to secure them the way they are in normal sized meteorites?

KiKi Kontour

Well-known member
HERE YE HERE YE!!! Got my first set of balls and very eager to throw these balls on my face!! I want these balls to bounce off my cheeks n enjoy the pink glow!! I will say...I can't stop sniffing the tin! I am ready to take on my next set of balls already. Oooooooh yeeeeea baby!!! Also I didn't see any guerlain in the Nordies anniversary sale book cuz trust me...I got my list ready to gooooo!!!


Well-known member
Also I didn't see any guerlain in the Nordies anniversary sale book cuz trust me...I got my list ready to gooooo!!!
Welcome new baller!!! I'm glad you're loving the blush balls. They are not like the typical Météorites in that you wear these as a blush and not all over your face--unless you just want to be pink-faced. But then why not---folks are walking around with pink hair!!! I like to crush one tiny ball in the lid of the canister and then apply it w/a blush brush. I was surprised by how pigmented they are. I love them!!!!

KiKi Kontour

Well-known member

(im back to blonde now tho)

yea i was actually hesitant on gettin these blush balls cuz i didnt think they'd be for med-drk tones but they are surprisingly pigmented!! thats a good idea to crush up a ball to apply. if it's one thing i know how to do its crush some balls!!! during the nordies sale since its double rewards im gonna get the DORE meteorites!


Well-known member
DID SOMEBODY SAY PINK HAIR???? :haha:  (im back to blonde now tho) yea i was actually hesitant on gettin these blush balls cuz i didnt think they'd be for med-drk tones but they are surprisingly pigmented!! thats a good idea to crush up a ball to apply. if it's one thing i know how to do its crush some balls!!! during the nordies sale since its double rewards im gonna get the DORE meteorites!
Omg I LOVE the pink! Love the Style, color all of it. I mean who can pull of pink hair? You're gorgeous


Well-known member

(im back to blonde now tho)

yea i was actually hesitant on gettin these blush balls cuz i didnt think they'd be for med-drk tones but they are surprisingly pigmented!! thats a good idea to crush up a ball to apply. if it's one thing i know how to do its crush some balls!!! during the nordies sale since its double rewards im gonna get the DORE meteorites!
Kiki you're so pretty you can do anything with your hair and it wouldn't matter. I REALLY like your pink hair.
When I first saw the pic I thought Oh Lord Kiki smeared those balls all in her hair!!!


Well-known member
   :pompom: [COLOR=0000FF]​So glad you got the BC!  Several other people mentioned the green coloring on the sponge and felt that the green created a cool/neutral, rather than warm effect on the skin.[/COLOR]   [COLOR=0000FF] Wow your sponge [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]is [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]really green!!!![/COLOR]   [COLOR=0000FF] Very nice BC!!!  Which ones are your favorite???[/COLOR]   [COLOR=0000FF] NICE[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF] [/COLOR]:cheer: [COLOR=0000FF] That's so great BC---I'm glad you love them!!!  I'm hoping mine arrive soon.[/COLOR]
Sorry Hun for late reply My fav ones may have to be these ones so far then the holiday ones not far behind then the white ones :) sorry don't know the name of all these lol I'm useless with the names they are just too long to remember I'm loving the rainbows ones :)️Def my fav to get rid of redness I know make up can do that like specific primers maybe I don't know I don't think I have anything in my make up coll to tone redness down maybe I have I don't know lol I don't think I suffer from redness everyday I don't know what you mean by cool tone etc :( I just don't get all that lol When I put it on without make up just to try it quickly it looked ok and toned down or got rid of redness Lighting wasn't all that as it was evening time Maybe if it was daylight I would of looked like a idiot maybe lol As I had only swirled my brush over the pearls :) a few times So I don't know I haven't worn them again yet We went to the Goodwood ministry of speed show yesterday (friday) or what ever they call it I wore my tom ford palette then :) I do love love these ones Hun :) do you have yours yet :))) All we can hear again today is the helicopters and jets and planes going over to the show Every five mins lol Hope you ok medgal xx


Well-known member
Is there anyways we can wash the sponges mine isn't majorly green but then you can see in my picture that I did have a lot of green dust but then I have had more white dust in the white ones when they came before so I cannot complain I think they are ace I was in two minds before but thinking back to when I swatched them no I really like them I'm not sure if these create cool or warm neutral tones I'm not sure suppose I didn't have enough light to see as it was dark But then again I wouldn't know what people mean I suck at that bit if make up Did learn about it in my make up course in 2001/2002 Lol but I wouldn't know now :( forgot most of it !!!!!!! As never did nothing with my qualification Anyhows hope you all love them


Well-known member
I picked up the Meteorites Travel Collection at a duty free store on my way back from Europe and when I opened them today they were totally broken. I'm really pissed because they were really expensive about $60 for two mini (broken Clair and a mini brush) :eek:hboy:
Really sorry that has happened Hun I'm thinking you should complain Write to guerlain !!! Send them your receipts too . Anyhows it shouldn't matter about receipts You phone or email them That's really bad I know you bought in duty free but guerlain should be able to do something Hun Please try !!! I would :) if that were me I'm sure others would complain too.


Well-known member
DID SOMEBODY SAY PINK HAIR???? :haha:  (im back to blonde now tho) yea i was actually hesitant on gettin these blush balls cuz i didnt think they'd be for med-drk tones but they are surprisingly pigmented!! thats a good idea to crush up a ball to apply. if it's one thing i know how to do its crush some balls!!! during the nordies sale since its double rewards im gonna get the DORE meteorites!
Love your hair Kiki gees you look good with anything !!!!!! You always do Hun Love it :) really suits you !!!


Well-known member
HERE YE HERE YE!!! Got my first set of balls and very eager to throw these balls on my face!! I want these balls to bounce off my cheeks n enjoy the pink glow!! I will say...I can't stop sniffing the tin! I am ready to take on my next set of balls already. Oooooooh yeeeeea baby!!! Also I didn't see any guerlain in the Nordies anniversary sale book cuz trust me...I got my list ready to gooooo!!!
Yahhhhh glad you got them :) I was going to try and get these ones but thought they be to pigmented for me !!! So I skipped them :( not sure I will buy at a later date though ? Enjoy your balls lol


Well-known member
Gees just used the rainbow balls But has anyone found that when you swirl your brush in them that there lots of powder at the bottom omg I saw in my tub that I had a lot of powder :( Must of been from when I swirled them the other night :( Do we get this with all the pearls no matter which ones thay are ? Only wondered as I'm bit peed off as I cleaned them out when they first arrived I haven't taken them no where And been sitting on my dressing table Not like I have moved them and put them in my bag etc Gosh

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