She isn't crazy for asking it. That's her prerogative. She might be mistaken in assuming someone will pay it, as there are cheaper sales out there and Springtime Skipper isn't all that valuable. Really, people can post sales and spend as they wish. It's not my place to say.
Originally Posted by Curly1908
I wouldn't buy it, but there's a fool born every minute. That Hello Kitty compact was $90, wasn't it?
Buying the Hello Kitty Compact for $90 doesn't make someone a fool. It is perhaps foolish to assume that the $90 price tag affects everyone the same. Or to assume that everyone has the same financial situation.
If someone makes near $200k/yr, the HK compact is a blip in their finances. If someone is trying to raise a family on $20k/yr, buying the HK compact is probably a foolish choice, but it doesn't make the person a fool.