Would you give a guy a chance....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
u better get those HPV shots! Stat!

Woah... HPV shots? Why have I not heard about this before???!!!!!?????!!!!! *off to do some research*

Also, lets not forget having HPV or ANY other sexually transmitted (or other method) disease does not make you a bad person, the poor guy probably wasn't too chuffed about it himself.

I know these are things nobody wants to catch, but I am a little surprised at how a couple of people reacted..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LoveMakeup4Real
So you put your life at risk for a man?!? Who later dumped you anyway? I'm sure a man would not be so forgiving. Although he is not really obligated to tell you anything, he should, nothing to praise him about, tbh.

I think you're misinformed about HPV. The OP did not specify what strain this guy had, but chances are if he's male and is aware, then he had the strain that causes warts and as it's already been stated, those strains DO NOT cause cervical cancer.

If he did have a different strain and it was the kind that might cause cervical cancer, regular Paps would keep that under control and cervical cancer has pre-cancerous stages that give warning before actual cancer develops, allowing it to be removed.

I think it's great that he was honest. I'm sorry it didn't work out.