Would you rather have 15 pan palletes or 4 pan palletes?


Well-known member
I like both, but since I'm in college and I too have very limited space, I prefer the four pans for everyday use... but I do keep a 15 pan of shadows that I don't use too often.

Professionalart you are soooo right haha! I'll take my traincase to travel w/ me no matter what!


Well-known member
I love my 15 pan palettes because I keep all my colors coordinated (greens, neutrals, oranges, purples).
The 4 pan palettes are good for travel or weird colors I can't fit in a 15 pan (chrome yellow).


Well-known member
I love 15s.


Staff member
Originally Posted by vicuna1
My shadows "live" in 15-pan palettes and transfer into 4-pans for travel.

I was juuuuust going to type that. I keep a few empty 4-pans on hand all the time. Would hate to think of dragging all 8 of my 15 pan palettes with on vacation. Not many people know (except you all here) just HOW much makeup I have, and I kinda like to keep it that way =) Dawn


Well-known member
im a non-depotter. maybeee some day i will depot but i love the pots too much. i store them in the holiday charm boxes. i can fit nine in one box
if the 15 palettes had a clear lid, i think they'd be cooler! i like to see the shadows through the case.


Well-known member
now that i've depotted into a 15 pan, i wonder why i didn't do it sooner!

what i love best about it is that i open it in the morning and just think about using more of the colours together than i did before. for instance, i almost NEVER used my Bronze eyeshadow in the 4 years i've had it. i've worn it a LOT in the past month!


of course, i'm not as brave as most of you, having almost all neutrals in my collection.

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
I have 4 pan palettes, I only have 3 quads so far (plus a premade one) and I like them because I sorted them out by colours....

Pink/Purple Quad (Pinkling, Sweet Lust, Beauty Marked and Petalescent)
Blue Quad (Contrast, Aquadisiac, Electric Eel and Shimmermoss)
Earthly Quad (Sprout, Mythology, Electra)



Well-known member
i used to have three 15 pan palettes but made the switch to 4 pans recently. i just like organizing them that way, and seeing empty spots in 15 palettes just make me wanna buy more shadows impulsively to fill up the whole thing :p


Well-known member
i have one of each at the moment as i am yet to de-pot all of my e/s pots...but i think i will store them in colour groups in the 15 pan palettes so i can see them all side by side.
when i have them in seperate places i tend to forget about some colours because i can't see them, out of sight out of mind-almost
plus, as the other girls have said, 15 pans are great for storage


Well-known member
I keep my shadows in 15 pans, save for quads which although being de-quaded stay in their respective quads most of the time.

I have a few quads that I use to travel with, and will switch colors in and out of them as need be. I also tend to keep my overflow in quads until I have at least 2 full quads of overflow, before buying a new 15 pan.


Well-known member
im weighin in a lil late but i love havin both 15 you can fit more but 4s are always good to hav at least 3 of cuz if you runnin late you can throw what you need in them and it fits in your purse 15s are a lil bit of a storage problem for me cuz i dont hav a bag large enough to fit them in but I still couldnt live w/o them =D


Well-known member
I love my quads- they are so cute, and don't take up as much space as the 15 palletes. i agree with sassy girl- if i see blanks/ holes, i have to fill them up!! not very good therefore with a 15 pallete


Well-known member
I have 5 15x palettes full sorted by color spectrum, and maybe 2 empty quads. I dont generally use the quads, but if Im going somewhere I pop em in and stick em in my purse. Other than that they never leave the 15 palette. I <3 them


Well-known member
I have 5 15-pan palettes organized according to colors, but if I'm going away for the weekend I'll transfer what I think I'm going to use into a few 4-pans and find it's easier and more managable to travel with.


Well-known member
I have all 15-pan palettes. I can't stand quads due to them being unruly, plus with the sheer number of shadows I have, it wouldn't make any sense to have quads for storage reasons. If I travel, I use the Holiday type palettes that MAC comes out with. It cuts down on space and I have more of a selection than with quads. And I depot everything. I even take the shadows from quads and B2M the quads. Everything goes into my 15-pans.


Well-known member
at the moment, I prefer the 4-pan palettes just because my collection is very small and I think it's easier to take the 4-pans in your purse/make-up than the 15-palette ones.