Would You Rather?


Well-known member
Yes, it is another "let's get to know each other" thread! It's a simple concept; each person answers the "Would You Rather?" before them and then posts one that they thought up for the next person. There are some ground rules though; nothing dirty or obscene (there are young people who browse this site), please be appropriate! It can be gross, but don't let it become offensive. It does not have to be makeup related, I thought that it would just be fun. And you HAVE to pick one or the other! You can participate as many times as you want! Let's start!

Would You Rather: Have to give up every eyeshadow that you own, or every lippie that you own?


Well-known member
id rather give up the tv for a week, cannot live without the internet!

would you rather: have perfect skin, or a perfect body?


Well-known member
Every lippie.
Tv for a week.
Perfect skin.

Would you rather have the perfect body or 1 million dollars but morbidly obese?


Well-known member
If it weren't permanent, the million bucks. It's a lot easier to lose weight than it is to make a mill.

Would you rather lose your hearing or your sight?


Well-known member
Can the perfect body make me a million dollars? :p (Perfect body either way).

Would you rather be naturally drop-dead gorgeous (and never touch makeup again) or be kind of plain/non-descript, still play in makeup but be average?


Well-known member
i think i would rather be average because i use makeup to beautify who i am on the outside....plus its fun to get creative and try out new things

would you rather be a mua at mac or be a special effects mua for the movies


Well-known member
A MAC MUA, since my goal is to become a professionnal MUA anyway

Wyr eat a spider or poo?

(Ok I sound 4 years old... hahaha)


Well-known member
I'd rather eat a spider.

Would you rather have a job that you absolutely HATE, but you get paid $100,000 a year, or a job that you love & makes you happy, but you get $10,000 a year?


Well-known member
i'd rather have a job i loved for £10,000 a year.

would you rather eat a raw egg or drink out of date milk


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
i'd rather have a job i loved for £10,000 a year.

would you rather eat a raw egg or drink out of date milk

Egg. At least there is a chance it won't make you sick. The milk will definitely put you down. Trust. It's happened to me. Sickest I have EVER been.

WYR have $50k right now, but have to give up the possiblity of ever owning a pet or would you rather have the pets and no money.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
^ Give me the pets!

WYR have children or pets.

PETS!!!!! l

WYR have to ride a beautiful, new, reliable motorcycle for the rest of your life or a piece of shit car that looked like hell, but was also reliable.


Well-known member
I would rather the car that looked bad but ran fine (I am assuming that you meant an un-reliable motorcycle!

WYR: Live in a mansion that was not decorated to your taste, or live in a house too tiny for you that was decorated the way you want?


Well-known member
Mansion all the way. Though I would probably have THE most cluttered mansion on the face of the earth. I have a talent for consuming whatever space is available with clutter!!!

Would you Rather : Fly to the moon, or visit the deepest depths of the ocean. ?