Would You Rather?


Well-known member
Nothing but vegetables. I know... I susrprised myself with that answer as well.

WYR roll around in a tub of sweaty, smelly pubic hairs with crabs for an hour or a tub of human blood for an hour?


Well-known member

blood for me...ewwwwwwwwwwwwww

WYR the most handsome man in the world, or the most sexually talented man in the world??


Well-known member
I would go with talented... a lot of the pretty boys don't think they need to work for their supper.

Would you rather?

Give up an arm or give up a leg?


Well-known member
An arm. then I can have be a fucking gangsta like Captain Hook!

WYR trade bodies with Bubbles the chimp or Louie the llama.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gildedangel
Bubbles the Chimp

WYR: Spend every waking minute with the same person or be completely alone?

I would rather spend it with the same person.....If it's my husband anyway

Would you rather be young and beautiful or old and in perfect health (where did this come from)


Well-known member
stolen! I don't want my house to burn down!

wyr break an arm or have your whole eyeshadow/pigment collection fall and shatter?


Well-known member
Freeze. Maybe someone can defrost me quick enough lol

WYR: Have a bf/gf who's sex skills are lacking OR have a bf/gf tell you YOUR sex skills are lacking?