I watched a Tyra makeover show and noticed how badly she did the makeup, and she lopped off a girl's hair and left it crazy looking. The actual hairstylists fixed it, but still. What weirded me out was that she was letting the audience "vote" on what look the person would get by shouting stuff out. That's not how you pick a look for a makeover --- you have to analyze the person's face, coloring, etc and choose. What the...?
I don't think she has anyone who will tell her "Tyra, you don't know how to do that" or "you sound kind of crazy when you do that." Or "stop singing when you talk" or "stop randomly talking in strange voices."
As for the talk show, I don't feel like she's conversationally or politically equipped to be a great host. Whoever said she's shrill, yes a million times. Shrill, under-informed, and pushing personal bias on people without research/proof to back up her opinions. I also feel like she exaggerates sometimes. I swear every bad thing she talks about has happened to her. ie, she'll send out passive-aggressive, vague statements like "I was in an abusive relationship" but never elaborate.
Does anyone else notice how on Top Model she's found new and creative ways to be on camera as much as the models? My favorite was when she put her face in the lower 1/4 of the screen to "voice over" while they were getting makeovers.
She was a great model, and the Top Model franchise was a fantastic (and lucrative) idea. But she needs to chill and stop pretending to be Tyra Banks: The World's Foremost Expert on Everything.
Side note: I saw her once on her show without her weave and I swear it took 10 years off her appearance. Her natural hair looked great, it was just pulled back and it was beautiful. I think it might be that she always chooses these weird caramel shades for the weave, I don't know, but I loved her own hair.