Wrist Watch Piercing?!?!?


Well-known member
i think the idea is pretty neat. i really like piercings, but i'm not big on surface piercings at all...simply because they're just dangerous. the rejection rish is too high for me, AND like everyone's said, most surface piercings are just waiting to get snagged on something and ripped out.

my babygirl got one on her hip and it's really cute, right above her skull tattoo..but that one's a litttle safer because it's usually covered by her clothes, but your wrist? come on!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
That has got to be the grossest website ever.

Yeah, the grossest I saw was the man who literally had that Michael Angelo thing carved into his back. *shutters* I wanted to barf. It looked so gross .


Well-known member
Originally Posted by IslandGirl77
Yeah, the grossest I saw was the man who literally had that Michael Angelo thing carved into his back. *shutters* I wanted to barf. It looked so gross .

man...one of my brothers branded x's onto his hands (he's really into the sXe thing, obviously haha) and one got infected...that was the nastiest looking scarification i've EVER seen. it looks good now, but man when it got infected...puuuuke.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by THE ANTHEM
man...one of my brothers branded x's onto his hands (he's really into the sXe thing, obviously haha) and one got infected...that was the nastiest looking scarification i've EVER seen. it looks good now, but man when it got infected...puuuuke.

Man! It creeped out, it looked like somebody took a knife and just carved in his back. That's some craziness right there. I dont' know how your brother took that pain.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by IslandGirl77
Man! It creeped out, it looked like somebody took a knife and just carved in his back. That's some craziness right there. I dont' know how your brother took that pain.

maan, neither do i. he's one brave mofo. he heated up the back of a steak knife blade on the stove and did them with that. yeeeouch.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by THE ANTHEM
maan, neither do i. he's one brave mofo. he heated up the back of a steak knife blade on the stove and did them with that. yeeeouch.


Sonya Adams

Well-known member
As a professional piercer, I'm telling you right now that within a day, they're going to reach into a pocket or purse and tear that damned thing out. Even flat ends are hard to heal, something like that is just ridiculous.

Not only that, but even though Shannon from BME posted that particular photo, I'll bet it's a fake - because no reputable piercer would attempt to put something as cheap as Claire's "jewelry" on or in a piercing at any time. And what'd the piercer supposedly do, use a soldering iron and solder a threaded end onto the back?


Sonya Adams

Well-known member
Originally Posted by THE ANTHEM
maan, neither do i. he's one brave mofo. he heated up the back of a steak knife blade on the stove and did them with that. yeeeouch.

That's NOT how scarification is done... and a steak knife wouldn't be sharp enough to cut the skin like that. If someone told you otherwise, tell them they don't know what they're talking about. Scarification is created using surgical tools that are sharp or sharper than razor blades and very maneuverable.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sonya Adams
That's NOT how scarification is done... and a steak knife wouldn't be sharp enough to cut the skin like that. If someone told you otherwise, tell them they don't know what they're talking about. Scarification is created using surgical tools that are sharp or sharper than razor blades and very maneuverable.

his are brands. and i know there's places that you can get brands professionally done, but he did his at home so he didn't follow any proper procedures or anything.
brands are a type of scarification (if i'm not mistaken) but i know that the proper ones are done with surgical steel scalpals and done i a sterile environment, yeah?


Well-known member
Yeeeeouch! Not so much. No thanks.

Aside from the aforementioned infections, rejections, and "rip out" factor, you would constantly have people reacting like we did. All day long strangers would say, "Ewww....That looks painful.", etc. That would get beyond annoying.


Well-known member
Hell no. I had a hard time getting the courage up to get my ears pierced! lol...yeah I'm a pussy :p

At least you'd never forget where you left your watch.


Well-known member
I am definitely no shrinking violet when it comes to piercings, since I have 18 presently and have had 4 others I've taken out, but I can honestly say that I have never had any desire to get surface piercings because of the high rejection rate, though I have seen some that I think look pretty cool. That particlar one, however, makes me a little squeamish. If you've never had a piercing get snagged on something and even start to tear a little bit (for me it was my lower navel bar getting caught on a metal sink when I worked at Subway), I'm here to tell you that it is a thoroughly unpleasant experience. As soon as I saw that picture and started considering all of the accidents one could have with it, I got a little sick. *shiver*


Well-known member
You guys also have to remember that alot of people dont get percings to have them stay in they get them just to get them and wear for a day im preety shure this person knew that they would only have the percing in for a couple days they just did it for the shock value.

Thats really the difference between a person that does piercing to fit in or just enhance something that they have or somebody that does it to stand out and get people to be shock.


Well-known member
Oh my god. Bad idea. I've had quite a few surface piercings (my sternum/cleavage, and 'sideburns'-in front of my ears), and they reject so, so fast. Can you imagine adding that weight to it?! It better be a one day thing,or...euuugghhh....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Awww, I love bmezine.com. I always direct it to people who want piercings; I think the personal stories are always helpful.

However, after going there so often, I learned you can get pretty much anything done to your body that you want and that anything can be pierced. I didn't need to know all of the piercings possible

I should corect myself, much of the pictures section has to be some of the grossest stuff ever.
I think bemzine is a great site, very informative. But wowza, like you said I don't think i needed to know all of the piercings possible.
I've seen some nasty stuff but some of those pictures made me feel physcially ill. Especially the messed up ear plugs, good lord. I'm so not a fan of plugs as it is and that stuff, ah I almost just gaged again!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
I should corect myself, much of the pictures section has to be some of the grossest stuff ever.
I think bemzine is a great site, very informative. But wowza, like you said I don't think i needed to know all of the piercings possible.
I've seen some nasty stuff but some of those pictures made me feel physcially ill. Especially the messed up ear plugs, good lord. I'm so not a fan of plugs as it is and that stuff, ah I almost just gaged again!

If you find the link to the past cover pictures for bmezine, you'll find some horrid, yet fascinating photos. I tend to call that page up to gross out my friends...and it always works!

Sonya Adams

Well-known member
Originally Posted by THE ANTHEM
his are brands. and i know there's places that you can get brands professionally done, but he did his at home so he didn't follow any proper procedures or anything.
brands are a type of scarification (if i'm not mistaken) but i know that the proper ones are done with surgical steel scalpals and done i a sterile environment, yeah?

The scalpels are used for scarification, the brands are usually made with specifically made-for-brands templates (everything from square sheets of surgical steel metals to rounded edges, depending on the shape of the brand). Some also use electrocautery pens and other surgical equipment.

Originally Posted by DaizyDeath
You guys also have to remember that alot of people dont get percings to have them stay in they get them just to get them and wear for a day

True surface piercings (the ones using the staple-shaped bars) are too expensive to only have them in for a day or so. Play piercings and "surface" piercings (term used very loosely) with captive bead rings are the temporary ones that should only be worn for a day or less.

Originally Posted by medusalox
I've had quite a few surface piercings (my sternum/cleavage, and 'sideburns'-in front of my ears), and they reject so, so fast.

I had my surface sternum/cleavage for nearly 3 years when I had to take it out due to a spider bite that became septic (staph infection). The more common surface piercings (nape, cleavage, backs of wrists) aren't such a bad rejection rate anymore if you find a piercer that has real experience with them. Always look for HEALED photos of these piercings to know if they were done correctly.


Active member
Sweet god no, and if I was ever insane enough to get a watch permanently attached to my body, it sure as hell wouldn't be some $5 piece of crap from Claires.

Now if someone bought me a Cartier... I'd consider having that baby surgically embedded on my person