Sorry, but this OctoMom lady is ca-RAZY!
You wanna have 15 kids, fine. But you should have a Gotdamn JOB. This bitch is on Public Assistance.
THAT'S why it pisses me off when she drops $1k on MAC. I don't care HOW MUCH money she gets from interviews, or pimping her kids, or selling her birth tape, or doing porn. If she's on Public Assistance, she oughta be shopping at Walmart, for fuck's sake. I wouldn't be surprised if this bitch decided to get more plastic surgery to look more like A. Jolie.
And she wonders why donations from big companies aren't pouring in. I swear, someone oughta throw her down and take away her uterus. Stupid bitch. She's gotta be about as dumb as a box of hair to NOT realize why America hates her.
Shit, I've dropped over $1k on MAC since January, and I have 5 kids, but my husband and I work at the same place, and we make good money...we can afford it, I'm sure Octomom can't. What's the hospital bill for delivering 8 babies, and keeping them in NICU? Just because she's got a grand laying around, doesn't mean she should blow it on manicures and MAC, and plastic surgery...she SHOULD be spending it on, ohidunno, a mortgage, or rent, or diapers, or formula, or WHATEVER.
If it weren't for the babies, I would say I hope she loses her welfare benefits cuz of all this shit she's pulling. I want those babies taken care of the way they deserve.