wut could i pair w/creme de violet besides purples


Well-known member
Golds will bring out the little gold flecks in the shadow so that would be pretty. I like Creme de Violet with turqoise, like Aquadisiac


Well-known member
I usually like it with Amer Lights or Crystal Avalanche. Also with Melon and Dusty Coral pigments too.


Well-known member
I wear it with "Tempting", which is shimmery bronzey/gold-flecked brown. I wear Tempting on the lid and a wash of Creme de Violet on the socketline, it gives a look that is neutral but warm and rich.


Well-known member
Aquadisiac all over the lower lid, Nylon or White Frost to highlight browbone and inner corner of eye and Creme De Violet in the crease.

Motif, Sushi Flower, and Creme De Violet in crease.


Well-known member
You can pair it with a lot of different colours depending on what you're trying to bring out. Pinks like pink venus and sweet lust would make it look more pink. Golds would bring out the flecks. I'm a big fan of purples and oranges together as well as purples and aquas.


Well-known member
How the hell do you get Pink Venus to show up? I'm starting to think MAC dropped the ball on it.


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1.Motif w/ Creme de Violet in crease.

2. Steamy with Creme de Violet in crease.

3. Motif, Sushi Flower, and Creme De Violet.

4. Mythology all over the lid, Creme De Violet from lash line to above crease, Maroon Pigment lining the upper and lower lashes and in the crease.

5. Turquoise pigment on inner eye, Mythology on outer eye, Arena to blend in center of eye & Vanilla Pigment on browbone. Blacktrack Fluidline.

6. Creme deViolet & Trax to make eyes more green and Satin Taupe and Nylon to make them bluer.

7. Sweet Lust, Sushi Flower, Creme de Violet and Paradisco.

8. Untiltled Paint as a base, Creme De Violet as a wash, Parfait Amour in crease (and a thin line under bottom eyelashes for liner), Chill in corners and as highlighter on brow bone, Steamy in center of eye only blended up to crease (amd thicker line under bottom eyelashes blended with Parfait Amour) so there is a green and slightly purple liner.

9. Creme De Violet in crease with Motif on lid.

10. Seedy Pearl wash, Sushi Flower crease & Creme de Violet liner & outer >.

11. I love Juiced! I wear it with Creme De Violet and Sweet Lust to highlight!

12. I LOVE Creme de Violet all over the lid, Parfait Amour on the outer ½ blended w/ the Crème de Violet. Line with Contrast or Embark. Prunella smudged under the lashes.

13. Untitled Paint, Violet liner on lashline, not blended, Pink Freeze on middle of upper lid, blended with Phloof on outer upper lid,
Parfait Amour blended in crease and out to create a sort of cat-eye (for definition), Creme de Violet on top of Parfait Amour, Swimming on lid, from lash line to crease and blended outward, Blushbaby w/ NARS Orgasm to highlight.

14. Aquadisiac all over the lower lid, Nylon or White Frost to highlight browbone and inner corner of eye and Creme De Violet in the crease.

15. Creme De Violet all over the lid and Aquadisiac in the outer corners of the eye... not the entire crease, just outer corners. I do the opposite - Aquadisiac on inner lid/corner/crease and Creme de Violet on outers. My MAC MA paired it up with Retrospeck on me.

16. Canton Candy Paint, Creme De Violet on inner corner, Parfait Amour on outer corner & crease, a little bit of Cranberry in crease, Phloof! to highlight, Lilacky for liner along with Tealo in inner rim of eye and outer corners of eye.

17. Sweet Lust + Creme de Violet + Leisuretime.

18. Pink Papillon + Meadowland + Creme de Violet + Sweet Lust.

19. Vanilla e/s all over, Parfait Amout blended into crease, Crème de Violet on lid & blended into PA (blend these lightly together with a sponge), Nehru to line, Opal Pigment along upper lashline & over Nehru. Coygirl Blush, Current l/l, Fluid l/s & Oyster Girl l/g.

20. Crème de Violet with Sketch.

21. Pink Freeze w/ Crème de Violet in the crease.

22. Bitter w/ Crème de Violet or Swish.

23. Bitter on lid, Crème de Violet in crease.

24. Chrome Yellow w/ Crème de Violet.

25. Juiced goes well with:Bronze, Amber Lights, Nylon, Sketch, Ricepaper, Creme de Violet, Pink Venus, Swish, Sweet Lust.

26. I love Juiced! I wear it with Creme de Violet and Sweet Lust to highlite!

27. Creme deViolet, Juiced, Sweet Lust, Pink Venus.

28. Digit w/ Creme de Violet.

29. Creme de Violet w/ Old Gold pigment.

30.Untitled Paint as a base, Crème de Violet as a wash, Parfait Amout in crease & a thin line under lower lashes, Chill on inner corners & to hightlight, Steamy in center of eye & blended up to crease & blended into Parfait Amour on the bottom lashes.

31. Aquadisiac on inner lid/comer/crease, Creme de Violet on outers, Retrospeck browbone with your finger.

32. Untitled paint all over lid, Violet Underground on lashline, Pink Freeze on middle of upper lid, blended with Phloof on outer upper lid, Parfait Amour blended in crease & out to create a sort of cat-eye (for definition), Creme de Violet on top of Parfait Amour, Swimming on lid, from lash line to crease and blended outward. Blushbaby on cheeks w/ NARS Orgasm to highligh. Plum l/l &Dreamy lipglass .

33. Rule looks gorgeous w/ Petalescent, Creme De Violet, Pink Venus or Sweet Lust.

34. Sketch w/Creme de Violet.

35. MAC MA told me to use Pink Freeze with Seedy Pearl over & Creme de Violet in crease.

36. Creme de Violet on lid, Tilt to line, L'oreal OTL in Beauty Queen in the inner 1/3 of lid, Seedy Pearl on browbone... so intense, and pretty

37. Iris Eyes Fluidline up to crease, Trax patted on over Iris Eyes, Creme de Violet in crease, Ricepaper on browbone, Blitz & Glitz to line w/ Trax smudged over lower line. Plum lipliner w/ Nymphette. Jen suggested Flashtrack to line would be better.

38. Mythology on lid, Creme de Violet in crease, Maroon Pigment on outer crease & to line.

39. Vanilla eyeshadow all over, Parfait Amour blended into crease, Creme de Violet on lid & blended into Parfait Amour w/ sponge, Nehru to line, Pink Opal Pigment along upper lashline, Coygirl Blush, Currant Lipliner, Fluid Lipstick & Oyster Girl Lipglass.

40. Naked Lunch on the browbone, Surreal on inner lid, Crème de Violet on outer lid & Parfait Amour in crease.

41. Rose Pigment all over lids, Shimmertime Pigment to highlight, Creme de Violet in outer > & crease, Pink Opal on inner corners.

42. Trax w/ Crème de Violet & Pink Opal Pigment.