Yes celebs break out too...


Well-known member
I don't really care much for her but she's fkn hot. I think we should be exposed to more pictures like these. Especially guys because they tend to think that what they see in the magazines is what they will see in real life and that's just not the case. Most if not ALL women (and men) in magazines are airbrushed or photoshopped in one way or another. But back on Kim, I wish I had a big Kim booty. I've been researching ass implants LOL or the brazilian butt lift. Where they lipo the fat from other parts of your body and put it into your butt and shape it. I would LOVE to do that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Evey
I don't really care much for her but she's fkn hot. I think we should be exposed to more pictures like these. Especially guys because they tend to think that what they see in the magazines is what they will see in real life and that's just not the case. Most if not ALL women (and men) in magazines are airbrushed or photoshopped in one way or another. But back on Kim, I wish I had a big Kim booty. I've been researching ass implants LOL or the brazilian butt lift. Where they lipo the fat from other parts of your body and put it into your butt and shape it. I would LOVE to do that.

lol I've always felt the same way. its gettin bigger on its own, but not nearly as big as Kim's. I wish my ass was like that lol. I'd gladly take a B or C cup boobs instead of my DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD'S lol and have a great big ass instead.

Oh well. My boyfriends okay with it.


Well-known member
I like the natural pics. I like seeing pores, texture, freckles and moles on peoples' skins. I wish that was considered the norm instead of bad. Since when did photo edited pics become the standard by with we judge things?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ethel
I really want that peachy orange lipstick. What is it?

Me too! I went to MAC and played around with the orange lippies and my fav one turned out to be Meltdown! Its sooo gorgeous


Well-known member
And thanks everyone! I agree with ALL OF YOU. Very good points stated.
But in the end, we all love her. lol I think she is beautiful, has an amazing body and an incredible style. God I love her dresses. <333


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
google Victoria Beckham pimples... she has some angry skin especially her forehead.

haha i just did that, i dont know why but just saying "google Victoria Beckham pimples" has such a fun jingle to it that you just have to do it

Just because you act/sing/are rich doesn't mean your skins much better than ours


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Even Jessica Simpson...she had 3 teeny bumps in one spot. Thats a breakout?? I wish thats what my breakouts looked like.

I know eh.. call me when a celeb has huge cystic acne all over, and a red face to match from the cream given to them by the dermatologist

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