Yesterday's Cinco de Mayo party


Well-known member
ok i went to a party last night....blah blah blah it was was mostly guys, with a girl or two. It wasn't that big.

I sprent most of my time with 4 girls & talking to the guys there.

Sober, I get a long mostly with guys anyway. I'm not your "whore" drunk either...

But after the party, I got a call from a girl who was there(no idea how she got my number)...but shes like "just to tell you, Erica & I hate you".

um okay. 1. i'm never gonna see you ppl again 2. im prettty sure i talked to u senior year in HS all the time. i'm 21 now, but still....i havent talked to u since HS...why all of a sudden the hatred?

like what gives??
i don't wanna assume jealousy, b/c i hate thinking of myself better then anyone...but wow.....WHOOO calls someone to tell them that?


Well-known member
That is bizarre. What did you say in reply?

That is so pathetic to call someone and say that!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lissa
That is bizarre. What did you say in reply?

That is so pathetic to call someone and say that!

i was just like "hmmmm okay byeee." its not like its gonna ever hurt me, im probably not gonna see these ppl much...but like

whooooooo does that? why waste energy?


Well-known member
That's pretty weird. Where they drunk? What did you guys talk about at the party? Neh, you're right you shouldn't loose energy over them.


Well-known member
they were drunk but the whole time i got the "up & down" bitchy look from them.

like grow up, u kno?

im sorry but if this is about guys...i can talk to guys & not want them...ya kno?


Well-known member
hahaha, that is so weird.
try to forget about it, just silly girls with no better things to do....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stefania905
But after the party, I got a call from a girl who was there(no idea how she got my number)...but shes like "just to tell you, Erica & I hate you".

i don't wanna assume jealousy, b/c i hate thinking of myself better then anyone...but wow.....WHOOO calls someone to tell them that?

* i would say is pure jealousy... honestly i have been a hater bacause i find some random girl prettier than me, i'm not gonna lie... but .. to call her and say such stupid s*** like that???


Well-known member
it pisses me off when girls go outta there way to impress guys.
then hate the girl who's being themselves & "gets the guy"

idk, i kinda think thats what is it now.

not necesary b/c im pretty, cuz im not really & i gained a lot of weight...but just b/c i was comfortable w/ them & being myself.

im not really interested in a relationship...or guy affection right now. I was almost raped last year...landing me in the ER w/ many stitches & what not.

It just pisses me off that ppl hate ppl they dont really kno.


Well-known member
Wow that is pretty sad and just plain... wierd. She obviously has problems and should be ignored and forgotten. Some people are just nutty...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by prinzessin784
that is beyond immature. I'm sure you're really sad to be missing out on their fabulous friendship

Hahaha yes i am completly sad lol

oh well....lemme buy some MAC & cry heheh j/k


Well-known member
they hate you SO much they they went out of their way to get your cell number and call you??

doesnt seem like something you do to someone you hate.

its called jealousy. and green is not their color!
dont worry about it hun!


Well-known member
oh my god! I had almost the same experience just a few weeks ago! I was at a party when I got I went out to get food with this girl courtney, who went to my highschool but we never really chatted, she was a year older then me. She was trashed. I had a couple drinks as well, so I was a little tipsy, but still we ll aware of what was going on (neither of us were driving...) But we're laughing and carrying on conversations like normal civilized people, she says 'i dont know why we never talked in high school, you're awesome fun blah blah blah' and I agreed. We got back to the house and went inside. She gets 5 feet away from me when we get inside and obviously doesnt think I can hear her and tells my friend Steve "Oh-My-god! I cannot stand that girl! I went to high school with her, I didn't like her then, and I don't like her now"

I was shocked. She's a fake. (I think I already knew that.....)

But people are ridiculous. I can't beleive that she went out of her way to call you like that. I'd like to think it was just a mean drunk phone call, which is still crappy, but people do dumb things. I wouldn't sweat it, esp since you don't see her or talk on a regular basis anymore.

Remember, she was the drunk ass making stupid pointless phone calls, not you.


Well-known member
Very true. She was drunk.

Now its been almost a week since the party & im getting myspace messages from most of the ppl @ the party saying "oh u were hilarious" "we gotta do that again!"...but like, i know the girls who are saying that to me (not the ones who called me) dont mean ANY of that. Obviously the girls who called me talked to the other ugh...grow up ppl.

I'll probably see them again...just b/c i see ppl from my HS EVERYWHERE(i have 1,072 ppl in HS)...but whatever...not worth my time lol.

Its like, why ruin the good druken fun
w/ drama.

Originally Posted by Katura
oh my god! I had almost the same experience just a few weeks ago! I was at a party when I got I went out to get food with this girl courtney, who went to my highschool but we never really chatted, she was a year older then me. She was trashed. I had a couple drinks as well, so I was a little tipsy, but still we ll aware of what was going on (neither of us were driving...) But we're laughing and carrying on conversations like normal civilized people, she says 'i dont know why we never talked in high school, you're awesome fun blah blah blah' and I agreed. We got back to the house and went inside. She gets 5 feet away from me when we get inside and obviously doesnt think I can hear her and tells my friend Steve "Oh-My-god! I cannot stand that girl! I went to high school with her, I didn't like her then, and I don't like her now"

I was shocked. She's a fake. (I think I already knew that.....)

But people are ridiculous. I can't beleive that she went out of her way to call you like that. I'd like to think it was just a mean drunk phone call, which is still crappy, but people do dumb things. I wouldn't sweat it, esp since you don't see her or talk on a regular basis anymore.

Remember, she was the drunk ass making stupid pointless phone calls, not you.
