You have GOT to be kidding me!!!!


Well-known member
when you accept financial aid, you usually agree that you wont fall into poor standing or withdraw from more than a certain number of credit hours or the aid can be revoked. that being said, with your hard work you should be back in good standing and your appeal should go through.


Well-known member
exactly! As long as you had enough credit hours as stated by financial aid, and your great standing, you should be fine. It just sucks they will make you jump through hoops first....

good luck!


Well-known member
omg i hope things work out =(. they pulled mine too, so now i'm so close to having a degree but i had to drop out because i can't afford to pay for classes. they said i'm making too much money to be receiving financial aid...really? because i can barely pay my bills. assholes. i'm not trying to get something i dont need, i'm trying to get a friggin education so i can get a better job WTF!!..

good luck, have a merry christmas. try to put this all behind you and remember that you can always take online classes. they're much cheaper and the credits are the same. also, buy textbooks on they're soooooooooo much cheaper on there.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
An even cheaper alternative may be to borrow books from the library. Some libraries have crazy return dates (like a month or two).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spacegirl2007
when you accept financial aid, you usually agree that you wont fall into poor standing or withdraw from more than a certain number of credit hours or the aid can be revoked. that being said, with your hard work you should be back in good standing and your appeal should go through.

I understand that but when I dropped those classes I wasn't recieving financial aid. My parents paid for it because i was in community college- not that expensive. I wasn't getting ANY aid or loans from the state at all... so im not understanding how they are thinking they can count that???? I paid for those classes myself (well.. my parents paid for them and then i paid them back. but it was sitll my money).... I didnt start recieving financial aid til i got pregnant and got kicked on my ass.... And Ive been in GREAT standing for the entire time I have had it.....

The spring 07 semester I was paying out of my own pocket. so i dont get that at all.