I'm not trying to preach here, I couldn't care less about converting anybody, Islam is not a numbers game, substance is more important than numbers and there are many many Muslims by name (not necessarily by practice) in the world. But the views you expressed are very narrow-minded and propagandist as far as I'm concerned and I felt the need to present the opposing view. |
I don't watch fox news nor are my views narrow minded. My views have been formed around world travel, college studies (classes I've taken, one class being a gender studies class that focused on females and the roles we play in religion), non bias sources that gather statistic, as well as speaking to people.
I will dig my Koran out of a box later and post actual passages but I believe in the book there is something about it being acceptable to rape female slaves.
One thing ALL organized religions have in common is, they were created by man to oppress and control certain groups. One of these groups being women. In Arabic, "Islam", means submission. It comes from a word with the root meaning "peace". The religious definition/context of the word means, complete and total submission to the will of G-d (Allah). The Koran, is the word of Allah...So, if you have people who are taking the Koran as 100% literal, their religion will be used to back up whatever extreme things they do. And who's to say they are practicing their religion wrong? This same concept goes for Christians. Each Christian interprets their holy book differently. They believe that what they do is what g-d wants them to do. Who's to say they're wrong?
With the majority of Muslim dominated countries the law of the land is based upon a set of religious beliefs, This is where the problems come in. Often, those in charge are extreme in their beliefs which leaves little to no wiggle room and the results are scary. You end up with countries like Iran, Iraq, Saudi, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
On to female circumcision. Africa, is not the only place this is practiced and accepted. While the more progressive Muslim countries claim to condemn this horrific practice, Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, with around 203 million Muslims. Female circumcision is an accepted practice there. In 2006 the government "banned" it but this ban is not enforced. In fact Many hospitals in Indonesia still offer female circumcision for newborn baby girls. The World Health Organization estimates that 140+ million women have been circumcised.
Shari'ah-Islamic law-has 5 categories that ones actions can fall into...Mandatory,permissible, commendable,detestable, and forbidden....Female circumcision falls into the permissible category...and many Muslims who support this act state they support it because of the prophet Muhammad's witnessing of a female circumcision. You'll have to look up the Hadith, I don't have any books in front of me and don't like relying on google searches for information...But basically, Muhammad gave direction on how to circumcise the female in this instance. Of course shia and sunni muslims will interpret this differently because they follow religious traditions differently. Who is right, who is wrong? Is anyone really wrong?
Here is a quote from a Muslim woman in Indonesia, she is speaking about the government banning female genital mutilation...“That is so sad, because Muslims have to be clean and we live under Islamic law. Even if it is forbidden we would always try to find some one to do it for us, because we have too".
In Indonesia, female circumcision is so widespread the government is trying to figure out how to make this a standard practice, in order to make it more safe for the female children who are forced to endure this. In order to do this, the ban would be lifted.
The Rise of Female Circumcision in Indonesia
I think everyone on here would agree that female circumcision is a ritual that only the most extreme take part in. Yet, this extreme ritual is widely accepted and even encouraged in a country that has the worlds highest Muslim population.
Pakistan...While women aren't forced to cover in Pakistan, take a look at their laws regarding women who are sexually assaulted. (Pakistan has around 174 million Muslims.) Let us not forget about the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.
Bangladesh-While rape and spousal abuse are against the "law" in this country, the law favors men. When a woman says she is raped, she is put into "protective custody"...Protective custody often times means these women are held in prison where they are furthered raped and victimized. During time in "protective custody" women are not allowed to leave, even if they want to, they remain held against their will.
So basically the point I am making is when ANY country's laws rely heavily upon religious doctrine, a large number of the population in that country will be oppressed and treated unfairly. It will never be pretty and the people of the country will never truly be free while religious doctrine is used to back up law. Countries that rely heavily on religious doctrine for social laws, often have the most harsh punishments for seemingly victimless crimes. This is a problem.
I don't see Islam as an extreme religion, I do however see Islam as a religion that has very little give and like with any organized religion, I see it as a means to control and oppress the masses.
Under Islamic doctrine, how are homosexuals to be treated?
Under Islamic doctrine how are menstruating women treated?
I ask the question about menstruating women because I truly am curious. In my gender studies class there were several Muslim women. The majority of the Muslim women believed that women are unclean while they are on their period. So this means no touching the Koran, no praying 5 times a day, no sex with her husband, no fasting... and I can't remember what the other things were but I believe there were a few other restrictions.
More progressive Muslim women have taken this to be a very old school line of thought and do not follow this.
To summarize: MANY Muslim countries (not all) rely heavily upon religious doctrine when it comes to their legal system. The non-Muslim world sees this as an extreme and dangerous way of life. Especially those of us in the US, where church and state are supposed to be completely, 100% separate.