Your biggest beauty regret?


Well-known member
Developing acne at the age of 9 & not getting medication for it until I was 17, sooo wish I'd have done it sooner. Now I have god awful pores and texture, but the scars are slowly fading.

Getting acrylic nails! I don't know if anyone has experienced this method of applying acrylics but what happens is the nail tech takes the top layer of your nail off with a dremel which I imagine allows the nail/acrylic to bond better but it RUINED my nails!!! NEVER again. Luckily I have naturally strong & healthy nails so they are growing back as normal, but it's been 2 months and I have a ridge across my nails and where the nail is still growing out it is really porous and gets stained by any colour which I put on it.

Over-plucking brows! Needs no explanation really!

Amber Dawn

Well-known member
Not wearing enough sunscreen, picking spots, not preventing or treating wrinkles sooner, not washing my face enough and on and on and on... I feel kind of like an orphaned kitten that has to figure out how to lick it's ass on it's own. Why did no one tell me these things sooner?


Well-known member
Taking advice from ppl who never had acne like I did. My mom has perfect skin and when I started breaking out at 9, she would tell me to scrub my face twice a day with st. ives apricot scrub. Ten years later, I still have acne and a bunch of scars.


Active member
Not taking care of my skin as i should. I have bad acne, and really need to start getting rid of it. I starting getting acne when I hit puberty at 9. 18 now. Oh! And picking, it'll just leave scars. I'm so bad at that.

And definitely overplucking brows. I've now got them to a shape that I like, won't pluck anymore then I need to now..
Probably not taking care of my skin when I was younger, I would sleep with a lot of make up on and cant help but feel that has contributed to the bad acne which I suffer from now, I was told it doesn't matter about make up, if you get acne you get acne and thats it but I cant help but feel its because of the way I treated my skin.

I also regret shaving off my eyebrows when I was 11! They never grew back fully and they are very thin and sparse now! I cant fill them in either because they look ridiculous.

I also regret bleaching my hair to try and go blonde about 5/6 times, my hair is like straw and it used to be so thick and glossy, I also regret getting it cut at Christmas up to my shoulders, I miss long hair and have no extensions.

I regret not taking care of my body more too! I have really bad cellulite and this is down to eating like crap and drinking lots of fizzy drinks loaded with sugar! its all going to change though haha.

I have a lot of regrets!

princess sarah

Well-known member
Using cheap products for too many years. I learnt the hard way about using cheap shampoo and makeup and ended up with burnt skin or swollen eyes. I should have stuck with quality and not quantity. I also wish I stuck to my gut instinct and played with makeup my way as a kid/early teen and not let others tell me I shouldn't and perhaps my ability to express myself with hair and makeup would have surfaced with confidence a lot earlier than it did


Well-known member
i used to use heated products on my hair without using a heat protector spray! sadly my hair is very dry because of this :(
Hum, it's somewhere between not wearing make-up sooner (because I never remember to wash my face or anything unless I have make-up to remove or need a nice, clean canvas to put make-up on) and not actually exercising until I got to college and had to (military college). We'll go with the exercise because I genuinely look and feel better. That, and it seriously gives my metabolism a kick in the arse. It's also fun being able to lug my weight around in stock at work, while the other girls are asking guys to get things for them or using carts because they can't lift more than 20lbs on their own.


Well-known member
I have two that I regret deeply.

The first was going on Accutane. I was 14 when I started on it and I've regretted it ever since. I had moderate acne that probably would have gone away had I left it alone, but I was convinced Accutane would give me pristine skin. I was warned that it would get worse before it got better, but I never realized just how much worse. From the ages of 14 to 15 I had absolutely horrific cystic acne. My skin was constantly raw, red, and inflamed-I literally looked like I had a flesh-eating disease. I tried to resist picking, and it wasn't hard for the most part because the cysts were just so painful I couldn't stand to touch them. I have absolutely no pictures of myself at 14 & most of 15 because I wouldn't let anyone take my picture-my face was just too horrific; I even put off my school photo until the end of my 9th grade year because I was so embarrassed by my acne. The Accutane had other effects as well: my skin became very thin so any little scratch would cause bleeding, and to this day I cannot have my eyebrows waxed because of my thin skin. And probably worst of all, it affected my psychological health. And in the end, I had scars that never went away. I still am self-conscious of them. I still would break out. Even to this day, I'll get a breakout if I am stressed out over something and the week before I get my period.

The second was getting my eyebrows tweezed by someone who was completely inexperienced. I have very thick eyebrows that are VERY unruly, but over the years I've learned to tame them with trimming, eyebrow gel, and a shaping every now and then. But again, as an unruly teenager, I was convinced they were disgusting, and had them tweezed until there was nothing left of them-they were sperm-brows. And I maintained that look for about a year. Luckily they grew back as thick as before, but I cringe whenever I see a picture of myself with those awful, awful brows.


Well-known member
I regret not having found a good moisturizer for my dry skin, I have suffered a lot, not being able to spend more than 2 hours without reapplying cream... of course no foundation, and every two hours, application of cream with maybe some blush or bronzer...
I have seen a doctor 4 years ago, it did help.... we changed cream and it increased the 2 hours to 3 hours !!!

About 1 year ago, I have found one good moisturizer, it is not ideal but it changed my life anyway, if only I had found one before !!! Still looking for the perfect one but at least I can wear foundation, blush and no more dry patches...


Well-known member
well my face skin is awfully no matter what I do. I tried every recommended product on earth and seems only drinking loads of water does the trick. Problem? I hate drinking water.
Definitely has to be picking at my skin :( I'm left with acne scarring that I've been battling to get rid of for years, finally fading though!


Well-known member
Dying my hair blue black in college. I had purple-black ends for about 3 weeks. My hair has always been darker since then. Also, not caring about how I look for so long. I had two kids and the beauty routine kind of went to pot. Now 3 years later, I am trying to get myself back into a routine and it is so hard!


Well-known member
1. Was NOT plucking my eyebrows for so long. My mom never taught me / never took me anywhere so I did not know how to and looking back at pictures it looked really bad. I think the first time I plucked I was 20 years old.

2. Not using coco butter on my belly when I was pregnant. Now I have stretchmark scars.


Well-known member
my hair were so long.. but i cut them and they never grew back the same length.. my biggggest beauty regret.. how stupid of me :(


Well-known member
My biggest beauty regret is not removing my makeup before going to bed. My skin had suffered a lot with cheap eyeshadow and dark eyeliner throughout the years. The consequence are my stained lids.

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