Your Biotherm collection?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PrettyKitty
My collection now, almost 1 year later!


I am crying. I am crying because I am so jealous. That was some of the best porn I have seen in ages.

New hobby? Biotherm porn.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kiss_love_kill
umm whats in the 3 spray bottle thinygs O.O never seen them before

Draine Choc! I don't know if it do something for cellulite, but it smell sooo good and it's like dry oil. My skin is smooth and soft with this stuff!


Well-known member
Mine is small, but my Aquasource lip and my Sunfitness Revitilizing Sunscreen for Face and Body Sunscreen gel are in my other room.

I also have an order on the way, of Draine Choc, Aquasource Emergency Hydration Mask, Pure Bright Peel-Off Mask, and Body Fitness is coming soon.


Well-known member

Updated pic of mine. The green tube and gold tube you can barely see are Happy Legs and Sunfitness Self Tanner.


Well-known member
Hey ette!

I am seriously considering getting Happy Legs! What are your thoughts on it?



Well-known member
I loooooove Happy Legs!! It soothes razor burn and gives you a cooling feeling after a hot shower, tanning, or working out.


biotherm is a great brand in us? are much are their products in us? because in france, this brant is not very important, but clinique yes! excuse me for my english really bad! Clinique in us is recommended by americain girls or not? i ask this question because i have just buy products for my routine in clinique and you give me the envy to buy biotherm now!!it's not very expensive in france, but clinique yes!it's difficult because you don't put photos without make up, so i can't have an idea of your skin with biotherm skincare!lol i hope that you understand with my bad english....(don't laugh! hihi!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vanessa974
biotherm is a great brand in us? are much are their products in us? because in france, this brant is not very important, but clinique yes! excuse me for my english really bad! Clinique in us is recommended by americain girls or not? i ask this question because i have just buy products for my routine in clinique and you give me the envy to buy biotherm now!!it's not very expensive in france, but clinique yes!it's difficult because you don't put photos without make up, so i can't have an idea of your skin with biotherm skincare!lol i hope that you understand with my bad english....(don't laugh! hihi!)


J'adore les produits Biotherm, j'utilise presque juste ça pour les soins du visage! Mes préférés pour mon type de peau (Mixte/Grasse) sont:

- Gel hydratant Aquasource vert
- Gel nettoyant BioPur
- Nettoyant Hydra-Detrox
- Nettoyant Pure Bright
- Tonique Biosource vert
- Tonique Hydra-Detox
- Masque Hydra-Detox
- Exfoliant BioPur
- Perfecteur de peau Source Thérapie
- Crème contour des yeux Hydra-Detox


Ah tu parles français! chouette! A ben oui..tu es au Cananda lol
Juste une chose que j'écris en français sinon les autres vont pas être contente! J'aurais voulue savoir ce qu'elles pensent de Clinique, elle ne montre jamais leur visage sans maquillage c'est dingue, sauf certaines pour les tutoriaux... Est ce que c'est vrai que Clinique au USA n'est pas recommander par les américaines, que c'est une marque bon marché? Merci beaucoup! Et elles sont comme ça tous le temps, je veux dire elles ne sortent pas sans tout ça? ou c'est un cliché des français lol?
Merci pour ta réponse tu peux me répondre en message privée si tu veux...


Well-known member
J'ai entendu de mauvais commentaires sur les soins de Clinique au Canada aussi, je ne les ai pas aimé non plus, mais je n'ai essayé que 2-3 choses. Je ne sais pas si cette marque est bon marché là-bas, mais elle n'a pas une bonne réputation!

Je ne sais pas si elles sortent toujours maquillé, mais je peux les comprendre car moi aussi je ne sors pratiquement jamais sans un minimum de maquillage!

En tout cas, je te conseille fortement de demander des échantillons pour Biotherm, j'utilise presque juste de cette compagnie depuis des années!