your fave UK beauty blogs


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lady Gray
I think I've pretty much added everyone on this list. I have one in my sig, it's mostly beauty stuff with a few child related bits in there too

Added you!

I like to support UK beauty bloggers when I can.. Not that I don't love reading about fabulous products in the US, I do, but so often they feature products that aren't easily accessible to me.

If anyone has any more recommendations, please keep them coming!


Well-known member
I agree about Vex in the City, lollipop26, Lily loves Lola and gemsmaquillage, I look forward to their posts the most I think!
I've just started my own blog, I only have one post on there at the moment but I've got a lot planned so please take a look! Emerald Green 88


Dani California

Well-known member


Well-known member
im am also going to re mention vex in the city.

I love her posts so much, she uses such a range and makes me want to try things I wouldn't have looked at before, particulary drugstore stuff


New member
I love spending time reading blogs, I like A Brilliant Brunette and The hollywood heels which are non-UK and from the UK blogs I heart cosmetics, lollipop26, Zoella, Bubblegarm. Usually I look for British blogs because I get easily influenced by reviews and want to know that I can go and buy whatever I read about immediately.

I've just started my own blog Two lipsticks and a cocktail, literally a couple of days ago so am still taking baby steps but would really appreciate if you took the time to visit me. I'll go through the above blogs too, we definitely should support each other especially in the beginning!


Well-known member
lollipop26 is my favourite. Will have to check out all the ones mentioned here and I will make sure to follow all here! I love UK blogs because you can actually find the items!

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