Your favorite purple e/s or pigment?


Well-known member
I believe the MA used Trax on me the last time I was there. I liked the gold flecks in it. Satellite dreams recently caught my eye on-line. My current purple, I bought at Rite Aid and while it's pretty, it's not very pigmented. I guess MAC has spoiled me!
And the world of pigments has recently been opened to me
so I'm also open to any suggestions in that department! For reference I have NC 20 skin.


Well-known member
Violet pigment is lush... also try Parfait Amour and beautiful iris...

i love hepcat, fig 1 and purple haze too but im nc40.


Well-known member
I love poison pen and graphology e/s, grape pigment
ALso Entremauve p/g and Au contraire e/s but they are LE


Well-known member
NC40 speaking. Hepcat is really pretty! It has a lot of pinkish/red to it. Satellite dreams is a gorgeous basic shimmery purple. Trax, Nocturnelle, Entremauve pigment and Deep purple pigments are awesome! Violet pigment used wet is probably the prettiest purple IMO.


Well-known member
Lauder's Amethyst and MAC Grape pigment

When I lost my Amethyst I bought Grape pigment as a replacement, but I found the Amethyst so now I have both LOL.


Well-known member
I am surprised that no one has said it, but Pandemonium! Also stars n rockets and violet pigment!