Your First MAC & Can't Live Without MAC


Well-known member
my first purchase was a technakohl eyeliner, select coverup, and a 242 brush.
i instantly LOVED the eyeliner, thats the product that got me hooked. it took me a while to learn how to properly apply the concealer, but its the best one i've ever had.

i'm hooked on the 187 brush, black technakohl liner, select coverup, studio sculpt foundation, and msf natural <3


Active member
Haha, I love this thread! My first MAC product was Haze e/s, a purple/green shadow that I have YET to figure out how to wear, but ooooh, how I loved owning it.

I don't think I could live without my Studio Fix, 239 brush, or Shroom.


Well-known member
I already mentioned my whopping first purchases lol but the ones I can't live without are shroom, black tied, and my msfs


Well-known member
My first MAC was the Sweet and Sour paint and the MAC I can't live w/o is Vex , Patina and Nylon shadows and any of the peachy shimmery blushes


Well-known member
First MAC - Plus Luxe Plushglass but what got me hooked was my tube of Rich & Ripe lipglass and -even if I didn't buy anything else- the rest of the Cult of Cherry collection.

Can't Live Without MAC - Twig l/s + VG V combo for work, but there's one for each type of product!
My first purchase was three e/s and clear lipglass. The e/s were brun, coppera & rice paper.

I can't live without brun, white frost, clear lipglass, studio sculpt and sheer/loose powder.


Well-known member
my first purchase was MAC Studio fix powder (which i cant believe i liked it so much i hate it now), 2003 Holidaze palette in neutrals,explicit lipglass...and everything turned me out to MAC and i never turned back.

My cant live without MAC item..hmm thats hard...i would say my Mineralized Natural pressed powder.


Well-known member
First product...I think it was Star Violet e/s!

And as for my can't live without product, it was have to be Studio Fix powder hands down. This stuff makes things so much easier and quicker in the mornings and on days where I don't need to be all dolled up.


Active member
First: Bitter e/s. Yup, been hooked every since.

Can't live without: Deep MSF (Winter); Deep Dark (Summer). I can slather this stuff on with some P+P and look fresh and ready to go without anything else, really. Not a day goes by that people don't remark, "Your skin looks so beautiful and flawless."

I've even turned my boss on to MSF (Light), and people comment on how she's glowing.


Well-known member
I think my first Mac was either Goldmine e/s or Oil Control Lotion... can't remember!

Cannot possibly live without: MSF Natural and Format Blush.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAChostage
Hi, everyone,

Here's a multi-part question for you:
  1. What product was your first MAC purchase? Was this the one that got you hooked?
  2. Which one MAC item is your "can't live without" star?

1. ok my first mac product that i ever purchased was pink freeze eyeshadow back in high school. probably around 1998 methink. i had only purchased it b/c a mac counter had opened up in the macys in the mall near me and my friends were like swooning over it so i'd thought i'd be cool and buy something. it was not the one that got me hooked considering it's a horrible color with horrible color payoff. i really didn't get obsessed with mac till a few years ago. i'd pick up few items here and there but nothing major. i was really into urban decay, benefit, stila, and nars long before i was obsessed with mac.

2. the one mac item i cannot live without probably is my studio finish concealer in nw20. it covers better than any other concealer i have ever tried and nothing compares to it. i don't have dark circles to conceal, it's mostly my breakouts and it does an amazing job. i would be lost without it!!


Well-known member
My first purchase from MAC was steamy e/s. It wasn't what made me an addict though because I could never make it work. After that I bought angel l/s and that's when I fell in love with MAC.

My must-haves from MAC are Merrily blush and shroom.


Here's a multi-part question for you:
  1. What product was your first MAC purchase? Was this the one that got you hooked?
  2. Which one MAC item is your "can't live without" star?
1. Flirty Number e/s
2. Flirty Number e/s!!! haha.


1. My first ever MAC purchase was ions ago and it was a Sable e/s. It makes me sad to think about it because after using it just once, I dropped it and it shattered
I didn't know about B2M at the time, or even think about returning it...I just threw it all out *kicks self in arse now*.

2. Carbon e/s - it just makes everything right