i have a few.
black mascara on the top lashes, brown mascara on the bottom lashes. usually i'll use zoom lash mascara in zoomblack on my top lashes, and dazzle lash mascara in star brunette on my bottom lashes. i also always use prep + prime lash.
my favorite makeup technique is mixing a little pigment (generally either vanilla or naked, depending on the look i want) into my foundation to give my skin a glow, and then using a mixture of strobe cream and vanilla pigment on the top of my cheekbones to further illuminate my face. usually i also put some vanilla on the inner corners of my eyes to open them some. do that, with a little bronzer on the cheeks and eyelids, a nice groomed brow, defined lashes, moist lips, and you look wide awake.
as far as my most overused makeup trick, it's definitely putting a light shimmery color (shroom, crystal avalanche, naked lunch, etc) on my inner corner. i do this almost every time i do makeup, unless it's more dramatic. i also always end up using wedge eyeshadow somewhere in or around my crease. also, tinted lip conditioners. i love them. petting pink makes your lips look SO healthy and full. it's rare to see me without some strobe cream on my face, NW20 moisturecover concealer under my eyes, my eyebrows filled in with strut brow pencil, and petting pink on my lips.